"An Affair to Remember"

Written by Gary Stephen Rieck
Directed by Ray Austin

First US Airdate 7 November 1992 Episode 4.5

[Exterior shot of Zorro riding Toronado in front of the rising sun?]

[Exterior shot of Zorro bringing Toronado to a halt.  In the distance, Victoria is driving her cart down the road at a fast pace.  Zorro rides to catch up with her.  He rides alongside her for a few moments.  A group of six men ride behind them.  Zorro jumps off Toronado's back and onto the back of Victoria's cart horse.]

Victoria [as Toronado keeps running]
Zorro!  No!

[Zorro brings her horse to a halt then dismounts and walks back to Victoria, who is sitting in her cart.]

Are you all right?

Victoria [a bit angrily]
No, I'm not.

[Gunshots are heard and two bullets hit the wood back of Victoria's seat rest.  The men behind them have bandannas pulled up over their faces as they shoot at Victoria and Zorro.]

Zorro [turning to look at them]


[Zorro gets into the cart, takes the reins from Victoria, and urges the cart horse forward.  They drive down the road as the bandits chase after them.  Zorro and Victoria look over their shoulders before urging the horse to go faster.  The bandits keep up the chase.  Zorro and Victoria look behind them again.  One of the cart wheels comes off and rolls away.]

Zorro [looking at the runaway wheel]

[He and Victoria both jump from the cart, landing on opposites sides of the road.  The bandits keep riding after them.  Victoria's horse walks away from the broken cart as Zorro gets to his feet.  He runs across the road where Victoria is lying face down in some grass.]

Zorro [putting his hand on her back]
Victoria. [He shakes her but she doesn't move.] I must get you to safety.

[He grabs her waist.  The bandits ride closer.]

Over there!  Over there!  Yes, the wagon!  He's got her!

[Zorro carries Victoria away from the road.  The bandits come to a halt by the broken wagon as Zorro disappears in the brush with Victoria.]

Bandit Leader [waving his hand]
You three, search the wagon.  You two, come with me.

One of the Bandits (Pedro?)
We have the wagon, Jefe.  Why make troubles for ourselves?

Because Zorro's bounty is six thousand pesos, that is why.

[He starts to go in the direction that Zorro went.]

But Zorro is, well . . .  He's Zorro.

Jefe [turning around]
He ran away from us, didn't he? [He looks down at the ground] One set of tracks, he's carrying her.  They can't get far.  Come on!

[He starts running as the two other bandits follow him.  He stops and turns around again.]

Jefe [to the two bandits]
Shoot him on sight.  The woman too.  I don't want witnesses.

[They start running again.  Zorro is hiding behind a rock, holding the still unconscious Victoria as the bandits pass by on the other side of the rock.  Zorro stands up and starts walking down a hill.]

Jefe [as he and the others also go down the hill]
Hurry!  Move it!

[Zorro keeps looking over his shoulder as he carries Victoria.  He comes up to a rock and sets Victoria down on it.  He is breathing heavily.]

Victoria, you're about to learn a secret I've keep from you all these years.

Bandits [off camera]
Look, amigos!  Over here!  Footprints!

Zorro [looking desperate]
But what choice do I have?

[He kisses her forehead before picking her up and carrying her to where he steps on a board hidden in the ground.]

Bandits [off camera]
Over here!  No, Pedro.  That way!

[Zorro steps forward not realizing a piece of Victoria's red skirt gets tore off by a scraggly tree.  Zorro slips inside the hidden cave entrance.]

[Exterior shot of Jefe stopping and pushing back his hat.]

Jefe [pointing]
They went up there.

[Interior shot of the secret cave where Zorro places Victoria down in the chair behind his desk.  She is still unconscious.]

[Exterior shot of the bandits searching near the hidden cave entrance.  Jefe crouches down and puts his hand on the ground.]

[Interior shot of Zorro, without his hat and cape, unsheathing his saber and running across the cave to the exit tunnel.]

[Exterior shot of Jefe still crouching down outside the cave entrance.]

The tracks. . . [He gets up and takes several steps forward.] just disappear.

[Interior shot of Zorro in the cave pulling out a piece of rock and revealing a viewing hole to the outside.  He watches as Jefe walks up toward the hidden entrance.]

[Exterior shot of Jefe turning and see the piece of red cloth from Victoria's skirt in the tree.  He goes over toward it and grabs it.]

[Shot from Zorro's point of view through the hole of Jefe standing off to the left.]

[Exterior shot of Jefe hold up the piece of red cloth.]

Jefe [as he walks back to the other two bandits]
They're very close, hombre.

Other Bandits

[Jefe looks around suspiciously.]

Very close.


[Interior shot of Zorro in the cave, looking through the viewing hole.]

Jefe [off camera]
Search the area again.

[Shot from Zorro's point of view of the bandits walking away but searching the area in front of the hidden entrance.]

[Interior shot of Zorro at the view hole.]

Look at the tracks.

[Shot from Zorro's point of view as the bandits turn around and come toward the entrance.]

Jefe [pointing at the ground]
Ah, this way.

[Closeup of the board hidden in the ground.  Jefe is pointing to the ground as hoof beats then a whinny is heard.  Jefe pushes one of the bandits backward as Toronado emerges from the brush and rears up, scattering the bandits.  Toronado hits one of them with a hoof and the man lands face down in the dirt.  Toronado kicks another bandit and that man goes flying through the air.]


[Toronado continues to whinny loudly and rear up on his hind legs.]

[Interior shot of Zorro looking through the viewing hole.]

They'll never find those tracks.  Good work, Toronado.

[Toronado takes off then.  The bandits wave at the dust he leaves behind.  Jefe throws his gloves to the ground.]

That horse destroyed their tracks. [He looks around.] Back to the wagon!

[He walks away and the other two bandits follow him.]

[Interior shot of the secret cave where Zorro is pressing a wet cloth to Victoria's forehead.  She starts to open her eyes and sees Zorro kneeling before her.]

Victoria [smiling weakly]
Zorro. [She becomes more aware of her surroundings and glances around the cave.] Where are we?  What is this place?

It's a cave.

A cave?

Zorro [hesitantly]
Yes.  This is where Zorro lives.

Uh, well, where do you live when you're not Zorro?

Zorro [as he re-dampens the cloth]
Um. . .  Why where those outlaws chasing you?

Victoria [as he dabs at her forehead]
Outlaws? [She jumps in the chair] Oh!  Because of my wagon.  The wagon! [She tires to stand up but grabs her left ankle.] Ow!  Ow!

[She sits back down.]

What's wrong?

I think it's my ankle.

[Zorro looks down at it.]

This ankle is either very badly sprained or broken.  I think it's going to need a splint.

[Victoria closes her eyes and nods.  Zorro gets ups and starts looking around the cave.]

It's just that there's a thousand pesos in a secret compartment underneath the floorboards in my wagon.

[Zorro picks up a wooden contraption.]

Zorro [examining the thing]
A thousand pesos? [He puts the contraption back down on the table.] Do you always travel with so much money?

I was on my way to Santa Paula, to settle the mortgage on my tavern.

[Zorro breaks off a piece of wood off of another wooden contraption.]

Zorro [as he goes over to the lab table]
Well, with any luck, the bandits won't discover the secret compartment.

I can't afford to take that chance.  I have to do something.

[Zorro comes over and kneels before her, then works on her ankle.]

I think the first priority is to wrap this ankle properly.

[He tears a strip of white cloth then starts wrapping it around her ankle.]

[Exterior shot of Jefe looking around.  There is a tree behind him.]

Look, amigos!

[The bandit pulls a small wooden chest from the wagon.

Ooh!  Aah!

[The bandits pulls out a pistol and shoots off the lock.  He opens the lids and shoves his hands into the gold coins inside it, lifting them up in the air.]

There must be a thousand pesos in there.  But just think, amigos.  The reward for Zorro is six times more than this.

[Interior shot of the secret cave where Zorro is wrapping Victoria's ankle.]

Those bandits nearly discovered us so I may have to deter their pursuit.  In the meantime. . .

In the meantime, they'll find my money.

The important thing is to doctor this ankle properly.

Well, I didn't need any doctoring until you came along.

You should have warned me.

I tried.  But you didn't listen.  And they would have never caught up with me if you hadn't jumped on my horses like some kind of. . . [She waves her hands in the air.]. . .raging bull.  And. . .

And if they had caught up to you, a damaged ankle would be the least of your problems.

[Zorro shakes his head and starts chuckling.  Victoria smiles.  He looks up at her and sighs.]

I guess we're having our first quarrel.

We've never had time for a quarrel before.

I'm sorry.  I know you tried.

Relax.  Don't move.

[He gets to his feet and goes over to his lab table.]

Zorro [picking up a beaker and a bowl]
Cactus tea.  Promotes healing and eases the pain.

[He pours the greenish yellow liquid into the bowl.]

Victoria [untying the ends of her shawl]
Is this where you come up with all your tricks?

Zorro [bringing the bowl to her]

[He turns around and sees ‘Don Diego's' clothes hanging on the clothing rack.]

Zorro [nervously]
All based on applied science.  Here, drink this.  It will make you feel better.

[He hands her the bowl.  Victoria brings it up to her lips then moves it away, making a face.]

It smells terrible.

Zorro [blocking her view of the clothes rack]
Well, closing your eyes hides the taste.

[Victoria sighs and closes her eyes, then sips from the bowl.  Zorro grabs his cape, turns around and tosses it over the clothes on the rack.  He then turns back around to face Victoria as she coughs and shakes her head.]

Victoria [handing the bowl back to Zorro]
It is truly awful.

Frequently, the things we like the least, do us the most good.

[He sighs then sets the bowl down on the desk.]

Zorro [bending down]
This ankle should be elevated.

[He crouches down and lifts her leg onto a stool.  He is facing the doorway and suddenly Felipe appears at the top of the stairs.  Zorro turns to block Victoria's view.  Felipe comes to a stop at the bottom of the steps.]

What's the matter?

Zorro [pushing her chair to the right]
This will be a more comfortable direction.

[Felipe slowly backs up the stairs.]

Victoria [trying to look behind Zorro]
Is something wrong?


[He grabs her leg.]


Zorro [as he places her foot on the desktop]
Pardon my clumsiness.  You must know I would do anything to avoid hurting you.

[He bends down and kisses her passionately.  Behind his back, he waves at Felipe to go.  Felipe backs away out of view.  Zorro and Victoria come up for air and Zorro tries to look behind him but Victoria grabs his face, turning back to face her again, then kisses him.  After a few moments, they move apart again and Zorro sighs.]

Whenever I kiss you. . . [He sighs again.] This mask has kept us apart far too long.

Then remove it and end the secrecy and let us live our lives like normal people.

Like normal people.  Perhaps tonight we can make a start. [He turns to his left.] Drink this. [He holds out the bowl of cactus tea.] I'll be back shortly.

[He gets up and goes over to the clothes rack.]

But where are you going?

Don't normal people have a nice, romantic dinner once in a while?

[He grabs the cape and the clothes underneath, rolls them up in his arms, and exits the cave, leaving a confused Victoria behind.]

[Interior shot of the cave tunnel of Diego buttoning up his white shirt then grabbing one of the candleholders of a wall sconce.  He then goes through the opened fireplace panel.]

[Interior shot of Diego coming out of the fireplace where an agitated Felipe stands and waits in the library.  Diego comes up and touches Felipe's arm.  Felipe spins around to face him.]

Felipe, where is my father?

[Felipe points to his right.]

Diego [obviously relieved]
Oh, good.

[Felipe waves his hands at Diego then gestures toward the fireplace.]

It was a matter of necessity, amigo.  There were six bandits.  Victoria was unconscious.  I couldn't risk leaving her while I confronted them.

[Felipe nods then gestures to the fireplace again.]

I know, I know.  But her safety is far more important than protecting my identity.  Besides, perhaps the time has come to tell her everything.

[He rushes off then.  Felipe stares after him grimly.]


[Interior shot of the de la Vega library.  Diego is holding a tray as Felipe, a book in his left hand, taps the fireplace mantle with his right.]

Diego [nodding at Felipe]

[Diego steps through the opened panel as Felipe sits down in a chair and opens his book.  He starts to read then jumps up and taps the mantle.  He then goes into the fireplace.]

[Interior shot of the secret cave where Victoria is sleeping in the chair.  Diego carries the tray down the steps and walks toward Victoria.  Felipe runs up behind him and grabs Diego's left arm. ]

Diego [whispering angrily]
What are you doing here?

[Felipe indicates Diego's shirt.  Diego looks down and gasps.]


[Victoria starts to stir.  Diego and Felipe run out of the cave.  A piece of silverware falls off the tray, making a clanking sound when it hits the floor.  Victoria wakes up and looks around the cave.]


[Interior shot of Diego in the cave tunnel tearing off his white shirt (bare chest, yee-haw!) then bending down to pick up Zorro's black shirt.]

Love fries a man's brain like a crisp tortilla.

[He puts on the black shirt.]

[Exterior shot of the bandits standing outside the hidden cave entrance.]

Jefe [crouching down and looking at the ground]
We tracked him to this very spot.  So Zorro's hideout is about here someplace.  Very close.

One of the Bandits [as Jefe stands up and walks past him]
They vanished into thin air.  We're wasting our time.

[Jefe kicks the bandit's right leg out from under him.  The bandit falls on his back, putting out his left hand, which nearly hits the hidden board.]

Jefe [as he grabs the fallen bandit by the bandanna around his neck]
Don't leave until we find it.  I want that reward money, yeah?

[He flips the bandanna into the bandit's face and walks away.]

[Interior shot of the secret cave where Victoria is still sitting in the chair behind the desk.]

Where do you live when you're not Zorro?

[Zorro is sitting opposite her as their meal sets before them on the desk.]

And where did this delicious dinner come from? [She points at the doorway.] And what's at the top of those stairs?

[Zorro stands up and turns around.]

I'd better go see if those bandits have returned.

Please.  Don't change the subject.

[Zorro stops in his tracks, sighs, then shakes his head.]

Who are you?

[Zorro looks up and into a mirror hanging on the cave wall.]

Don' I have the right to know the man behind the mask?

[Zorro bends his head and brings his hands up to his mask.]

The man behind this mask is. . .

[He turns and faces her, walking toward her as he speaks.]

The man behind this mask is afraid of only one thing in this world.  That you love a hero with whom he cannot possibly compete.  That if this mask were removed, you would still be in love with Zorro and not with the man of flesh and blood.

[He kneels down in front of her and takes her hands in his.]

I've never known this man of flesh and blood.  But I do know this.  The courage and the passion that lives in Zorro's heart also lives in his.  Share your secret with me..

Zorro [nervously]
Very well, Victoria.  You shall know.

[He lowers his head and brings up his hands, obviously intending to remove his mask.  Suddenly, a bell starts clanging.  Zorro drops his hands and lifts up his head.]

The alarm system.  Someone's at the cave entrance.

[He jumps up, grabs his saber, then run across the cave to the exit tunnel as the bell continues to ring.]

[Exterior shot of Jefe standing near the cave entrance, pulling leaves off a tree.]

No wonder he calls himself the fox.

[Interior shot of Zorro looking through the viewing hole at the cave's entrance.]

[Shot from Zorro's point of view of Jefe's leather vest blocking the hole.]

[Interior shot of Zorro looking away from the hole then pumping his fist in frustration.  He then turns back to the viewing hole.]

[Exterior shot of Jefe still standing in front of the hidden entrance.]

Shame I didn't get my hands on him before.

[He starts walking forward, away from the entrance.]

[Interior shot of Zorro moving back as light comes through the viewing hole.]

[Shot from Zorro's point of view as Jefe walks up to his men.]

Get the horses, Pedro.

[Interior shot of Zorro moving closer to the viewing hole and looking out of it.]

[Exterior shot of Jefe stepping on the hidden board.]

[Interior shot of the pulleys inside the cave starting to move to open the entrance..  Zorro turns and cuts the rope with his saber.  Zorro takes a deep breath and leans back against the cave wall.]

[Exterior shot of the cave entrance.]

Jefe [off camera at first]
We'll divide up the money tonight.

[Exterior shot of the bandits standing around Jefe.]

One of the Bandits
Why now now?

Yeah!  Now!

Jefe [grabbing the first bandit's shirt]
That woman who escaped with Zorro?  She knows where his hideout is, yes?  And once she returns to the tavern. [He moves his right away.] We will get the information out of her. [He holds up a knife.] One way or another.

[He lets go of the bandit and walks away.]


[The bandits all turn to their right and laughing.]

[Interior shot of Zorro leaning against the cave wall.]

How could I have been so stupid? [He sighs.] No, Victoria, you can never know..

[He sighs again then turns and plugs up the viewing hole.]

[Interior shot of Victoria sitting in the chair at the desk.  She leans forward when she hears footsteps.  Zorro walks back into the main room of the cave and comes toward her.]

Have they gone?

Yes, but they may return.

[He stops in front of his lab table.]

I'm afraid it's time to leave.

[He pours more of the cactus tea into a bowl then carries it over to her.]

Oh, I really don't need anymore.

Zorro [kneeling in front of her]
There is a side effect to the Indian remedy.  A large enough dose induces sleep.

Zorro, I would die before I revealed the secret of your cave.

That is what I'm trying to avoid.

So, you planned this all along?

No.  I was ready to share everything with you. The location of this cave.  My identity.  Even my life.  But as long as I wear this. . .mask, I must carry the secret alone. [He hold up the bowl the tea.] Would you do this for us?

[He hands her the bowl.  She takes it from him and drinks from it deeply.  He grabs her hands and slowly pulls the bowl away from her lips.]

You're trembling.

It's just. . .  Each time I see you might be the last.

That's not true, Victoria.  I will always be with you.  I want you to know what is in my heart.

Yes, but you said. . .  You told me. . .

Wait. [He puts his hand on her shoulder.] Wait here.

[He stands up and runs to the doorway leading to the fireplace.]

[Interior shot of the library where Felipe is sleeping in a chair near the chessboard.  Zorro comes out of the fireplace and runs across the room.  Felipe wakes up, stares after Zorro, then gets up and follows him.]

Don Alejandro [off camera at first]
Diego, I'm home!

[He walks into the foyer.]

Don Alejandro
I need a hand.

[He stops and looks into the library then turns around.]

Don Alejandro

[He puts his hands on his hips.]

Don Alejandro
Where is everybody?  Sleeping, no doubt.[He walks into the dining room.] Diego?

[He walks through an opened door leading out of the dining room.]

[Interior shot of Diego's bedroom where Felipe is dusting furniture.  Don Alejandro walks into the room.  Zorro sneaks out from behind the wall on Don Alejandro's right.  He runs off as Don Alejandro comes up to Felipe.]

Don Alejandro

[He then touches Felipe on the arm.  Felipe jumps back, acting startled.]

Don Alejandro [holding up his hands]
Oh, I'm sorry.  Forgive me.  Where's Diego?

[Felipe points to his right two times.]

Don Alejandro
He's at the tavern?  Would you please help me unload the carriage?

[Felipe nods.  Don Alejandro puts his hand on Felipe's shoulder and they walk out of the room.]

[Interior shot of Victoria asleep in the chair in the cave.]

Zorro [off camera at first]

[He comes into the cave, holding something in his right hand.]


[She stirs as he kneels before her and takes her left hand.]

Victoria [giggling as she wakes up]
I'm so sleepy.

Zorro [holding up a ring]
This was my mother's.

[She jerks her head and focuses on the ring, grabbing onto his hand that is holding it.]

Victoria [more awake now]
It's beautiful.

This is a symbol of our future.

Our future?

Zorro [nodding]
Will you marry me?

Marry you?

Zorro [nodding again]

Now who's proposing, the man or the legend?

The man.  What is your answer?

Victoria [after looking down at the ring]
Yes.  Absolutely and definitely yes.

[Zorro puts the ring on the ring finger of her right hand.  Victoria holds out that hand and looks at the ring.  Then she reaches out and hugs Zorro.]

Victoria [sighing]
Every time I've dreamt of this moment, I've been awake. [She yawns a little and rests her head on his shoulder.] I'm so sleepy.

As long as I wear this mask, the ring must be our secret.  But believe me, the day is coming when I will tell the world of our love. [He sighs then realizes Victoria is not responding.] Victoria?

[She shifts from his left shoulder to his right and continues to sleep.]

Zorro [smiling]
Sleep now.  It's time to take you home.

[He picks her up and carries her across the cave.]

[Exterior wide shot of the tavern at night.]

[Interior shot of Victoria limping past a table where a customer sits and drinks.  The six bandits sit at a table to her right.]

Jefe [leaning forward and talking to the bandit across from him]
There is the woman.  You know what to do.

[The bandit starts to get up as Zorro lands on their table top.]

The question is, do you know what to do?

[The bandits all get to their feet and draw out their swords, pointing them at Zorro.  Zorro kicks at them as he spins in a circle on the table top where Victoria's money has been divided into six piles.]

Victoria [tossing Zorro a wine bottle from the bar]

Zorro [catching the bottle]

[He smashes the bottle on one of the bandit's head.  Victoria tosses him another bottle and he smashes another bandit on the head with it.  A third bandit swipes his sword at Zorro's ankles as a fourth bandit swings a rifle at Zorro.  Zorro jumps off the table and the bandit with the rifle hits the bandit with the sword instead.  Zorro punches a bandit in the face.  A bandit on his knees near the bar points a pistol at Zorro, but Victoria hits him on the head with a bottle.  Zorro punches Jefe in the face and Jefe falls stomach first against a table.  Zorro whacks him on his bottom with his saber.  Jefe climbs up onto the table top and draws out his sword.]

Jefe [brandishing his sword]
I am the great swordsman in Baja California.

Whoa, then it's a pity you're in Alta California.

[Zorro slices off first one table leg then another, causing the table to tilt forward.  Jefe keeps his footing on the table until Zorro slices the support beam in the middle of the table.  The table collapses and Jefe lands on his feet on the floor.]

That's better.

[Jefe lunges at him but Zorro parries each thrust.  Jefe lunges one last time and Zorro turns his blade aside.  Jefe then turns and runs toward the door which is opened by Mendoza, who is holding out his sword.  Jefe slammed by the door then is slammed against the wall behind the door as Mendoza pushes it open.]

Mendoza [looking around the room]
Zorro, this morning you brought me two banditos.  Now you bring me. . . [He stops and counts.] Five more.  That's seven.

[Jefe falls to the floor at Mendoza's right.]

Ahem. . .make that eight. [People laugh.] Amigo, my jail is getting full. [He walks toward Zorro.] You know, it's time maybe you should be thinking about retiring soon.

One of these days, Sergeant.

[He pats Mendoza on the shoulder then turns away.  Mendoza puts his sword back in its scabbard and hurts his left hand.]


[He puts his injured finger into his mouth then shakes the whole hand.  Zorro goes over to Victoria and brings her right hand to his lips.]

Zorro [whispering very quietly]
One of these days.

[Exterior night shot of Zorro riding Toronado through the plaza.  Then Zorro is riding in front of a full moon.]


[Interior shot of the tavern as Don Alejandro and Diego walk inside.  Diego goes over and shakes the hand of someone sitting at a table to his left.]

Hola, Diego.

Don Alejandro [who keeps walking]
Hola, Victoria.

[Victoria is sitting at a table with an account book open in front of her and her bandaged left foot propped up on the bench she's sitting on.]

Hola, Don Alejandro, Diego.

Don Alejandro
I have to tell you, in spite of your ordeal, you are looking more radiant then ever.  May I?

[He takes her hand and kisses it.]

Thank you, Don Alejandro.  I am feeling much better.

You'll be operating the tavern again in no time.

[A crash that sounds like dishes breaking comes from the direction of the kitchen.]

Don Alejandro [glancing that way]
Uh, who do you have helping you back there while you recover?

Unfortunately, Sergeant Mendoza has volunteered his services.

[Another crash of breaking dishes is heard.]

Don Alejandro
I think I'd better help the sergeant, don't you think?

That would be most appreciated.  Thank you.

[Don Alejandro and Victoria laugh as Don Alejandro heads toward the kitchen.]

My father was right.  You look incredibly well. [He sits down at the table across from Victoria.] Doctor Hernandez truly works wonders.

Victoria [smiling]
Oh, it has nothing to do with Doctor Hernandez.

Then who?

[Victoria looks over at him then fiddles with her pencil over her ledger.  She looks up and makes a ‘Z' in the air with her pencil.]

Zorro.  Tell me, um, what was his prescription?

Oh, an old Indian remedy.

Indeed?  There must have been something more.  You look happier than a. . . lamb in a meadow.  What else happened?  Well, you can tell me, we're friends.

[Victoria leans forward.]

Can you keep a secret?

Most certainly.

Victoria [smiling smugly]
So can I.

[She returns to her ledger, leaving Diego staring at her, a bemused smile on his face.

*****END OF EPISODE***** 

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland  5 January 2007

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.