"Armed & Dangerous"

Written by Robert L McCullough
Directed by Ray Austin

First US Airdate 29 September 1991   Episode 3.5

[Exterior shot of the plaza as people mill about it.]

[Exterior shot of the cuartel gate as a lancer stands outside of it.  Shouting is heard off camera.]

[Interior shot of the cuartel jail which is filled with men.  They all shout as a lancer walks in front of their cells.]

Come on.  Where's our food?

[The lancer waves his hand then walks down to the next cell.]

Quiet down!  Quiet down!

Mendoza [walking into the jail]
Please!  Please!  Wait a minute!  I know conditions are not the best in here.

Yeah.  Yeah.

But the Alcalde is in Monterey right at this moment, requesting funds to enlarge this jail.  Things will get better.

One of the Prisoners
When?  We don't even have food here.  How can you treat us like this?

We are doing the best we can.

Then let us go!

That is the one thing I cannot do.

You better do something or you're going to have a riot on your hands.

[The other prisoners start shouting and waving their fists in the air.  Mendoza walks away.]

[Exterior shot of the cuartel gate as Mendoza runs through it and into the plaza.  Another lancer follows him.  Don Alejandro and Victoria watch from the tavern porch as Mendoza and the lancer walk up to them.]

Is everything all right, Sergeant?

Not exactly, Señorita.  Our prisoners have been threatening to riot.

But why?

Well, no space. . .not enough food.  I was hoping you would send over some of your hot tamales.  It would really help to calm them down.

Don Alejandro
Sergeant Mendoza. . . [He stands up.] Looks like you have a couple of more guests.

[Zorro, astride Toronado, is leading two horses into the plaza, each with a man sitting backwards in the saddle.]



I know it's your birthday next week.  Please accept this as a little gift from me.

Mendoza [tapping the lancers on the arm]

[The lancer walks toward Zorro.]

Don Alejandro
Happy Birthday, Sergeant.  Do you know who they are?  Monty Monan and Phil Rick.

Ah, the two bandits who have been robbing the military payroll.

Don Alejandro
That's right.

Mendoza [tipping his head]
Take them away!


[He rides in front of the bandits then out of the plaza.  The lancer leads the bandits' horses past the tavern.]

Monty [as he goes past Mendoza]
We'll be out of your jail in no time.

[He smiles mockingly.]

Don Alejandro
Uh-oh.  If I were you, Sergeant, well, I'd order extra tamales.

[He looks over at Victoria then Mendoza.  Victoria laughs as Don Alejandro pats Mendoza on the back.]


[Exterior shot of the tavern as people mill about in front of it.]

[Interior shot of the tavern as Diego (wearing a light brown suit) and Don Alejandro walk inside.  Victoria walks past as Mendoza sits at a table, propping up his head with his hand and looking glum.]

Diego [to Victoria]
Buenas dias.

Don Alejandro

[Diego and Don Alejandro walk over to Mendoza.]


Mendoza [turning to look up at Diego]
What's so bueno about it?  I have more prisoners in the jail than it can hold.

Don Alejandro
Well, until the Alcalde stops jailing those poor farmers for tax evasion, you are going to have more problems, Sergeant.

If only these tax evaders would post bail, I'd be happy to have them out of the jail.

Well, if the poor farmers you're holding had money for bail, [He crosses his arms over his chest.] I'm sure they would have paid their taxes in the first place.

Don Alejandro [pointing at Diego]
You know, Diego is right.  Exactly how much bail is needed for each man?

A mere token.  Five pesos, perhaps.  You know, something to guarantee their appearance.

Don Alejandro
Five pesos, that's all? [He looks over at Diego.] Why don't we pay that, right now, for all prisoners?

Mendoza [chuckling]
Well, I wish it were that simple, Don Alejandro.  You see, each prisoner would need a citizen to vouch for him, to guarantee his appearance before the Alcalde when he returns.

Don Alejandro [looking at Diego]
Well, at least there will be two farmers we can get out of jail, huh?

Hmm. . .  I think I know a way we can get the rest out as well.

[He turns and leaves.]

Don Alejandro [looking at Mendoza]
Yes.  You're absolutely right.  Wait for me, Diego!  Good idea.

[He follows after Diego, leaving a confused Mendoza behind.  Victoria watches them leave from behind the bar.]

[Exterior shot of the cuartel as Diego walks down a line of people which includes Victoria.]

. . .five pesos bail, a lancer will take you into the jail and release a tax evasion prisoner into your custody.

Don Alejandro [standing near a doorway]
That means the farmers get back to work, earn their money and pay their taxes before their trial dates.

[A man walks past Don Alejandro as Victoria steps up to the table where Mendoza is standing as another lancer collects the bail money.]

Victoria [after she hands the lancer some coins]
I only wish I could do more.

It may not seem like much, but it is a beginning.

Well, you know as well as I do that half of those men in there shouldn't have been arrested in the first place.

Señorita Victoria, there are some desperate men in our jail.

Most of them are poor farmers.

Yes, but we have some very dangerous criminals, too.

Victoria [as she rolls her eyes]

[She walks away.]

Señorita Victoria! [He follows after her.] You don't seem to understand.  We have to have them post bail.

[Don Alejandro and Diego look at each other and start chuckling.]

[Interior shot of the cuartel jail as a lancer opens the door, admitting Victoria and Mendoza inside.]

Victoria [in an angry tone as she glances around]
Look at this! [She walks up to one of the crowded cells, then another.] This is inhuman, Sergeant!

[Monty comes up to the door of his cell.]

The señorita's right.  We deserve better conditions.

Mendoza [pointing at Monty]
You shut up.  You're not going anywhere, except maybe Monterey to face your trial. [He pulls out a piece of paper.] Turista Barco?

Uh, si.

[The prisoner who earlier confronted Mendoza comes up to the cell door.]

Mendoza [indicating Victoria]
She has posted your bail.  You're released.  Private!

[A lancer walks up and unlocks the cell door.  Barco steps out.]

Barco [to Victoria]
Much thanks, Señorita.

[Monty's partner, Rick, comes up behind the lancer and hits him on the back of the head.]

Lancer [as he falls face down]

[Rick then pushes Mendoza backward as Monty grabs Victoria around the waist.  Victoria screams as Rick takes Mendoza's sword from its scabbard.]

Gracias indeed, Señorita. [He waves at the other prisoners in the cell.] Out!  Come on.  Let's move!

[The prisoners hesitate then hurry out of the cell.]

Monty [to Rick]
Open the door.  Get these other guys out.

[Rick grabs the keys and goes over to the other cell door.]

[Exterior shot of the cuartel jail as the prisoners run out its door.  Don Alejandro smiles as Diego look on in confusion.]

[Interior shot of the cuartel jail as Victoria struggles to get away from Monty.]

Let go of me!

[She elbows him in the ribs then spins out of his grasp.  He slaps her across the face.]

Victoria [putting her hand to her face]

Don't fight me!

[He grabs her around the waist again then points at Mendoza.]

[Exterior shot of the cuartel jail as prisoners continue to run out of it.]

Diego [holding out his hands]
I don't understand.

Don Alejandro
It looks like Mendoza let them all go.

Where's Victoria?

[He starts walking toward the jail followed by Don Alejandro and the other men.  They all stop when they see Monty holding a sword to Mendoza's throat in front of the doorway.]

Get back!  I said get back or I'll kill him!

Diego [with barely repressed anger]
What do you want?

I want guns. . .loaded.  Two horses and money.  You bring me ten thousand pesos.

Where's the señorita?

You ask too many questions.

[He shoves Mendoza toward Diego and Don Alejandro.  Mendoza clutches at his throat and coughs.]

Mendoza [gasping]
Now listen here, as a sergeant of the Royal Lancers, I feel I must warn you, we don't negotiate with. . .

No, you listen.  If you don't bring me what I ask for. . .

[Rick brings a struggling Victoria out of the doorway and Monty grabs her from him.]

I'll kill her.  Comprendes, amigos?

[Diego stares at Monty angrily.  Victoria looks at him with a frightened expression.]


[Interior shot of the cuartel jail as Monty brandishes the sword.]

Monty [to Victoria]
You'd better hope your friends come up with the goods, lady.

[He walks past Victoria whose hands are tied to a post.]

They will never let you escape.

Hmm. . .  Then I guess you'd better start saying your prayers.

Victoria [defiantly]
Maybe you should do that and ask for forgiveness for the misery that you've caused.

Hey, don't make me feel bad.  We've all seen our share of misery.

So is that our fault?  Must we suffer for the wrong in your life?  You made choices, you became a robber and no one forced you.  You made the decision.

The Army forced him.  He got in a fight and they put him in irons and threw him in solitude and whipped him. . .

Shut up, Rick!  And you, woman, you're right.  I do make the decisions.

[Victoria glares as him as Rick crosses his arms over his chest.]

[Exterior shot of the cuartel jail where Mendoza waits nervously.]

What am I going to do?  Why is it things never work out smoothly?

Monty [off camera at first]
Let's go! [He comes out of the jail door with the sword] Hurry it up. [He looks around.] I don't see the horses I asked for.

Mendoza [shrugging]
Señor, be patient. . .

Monty [pointing the sword at Mendoza]
You got one hour.  If everything isn't ready by then, that pretty little lady inside. . .not going to be so pretty anymore.

Diego [with even less restrained anger]
Don't you touch her.

[He takes a step forward but then is held back by Don Alejandro.]

Don Alejandro
Diego, be careful.

It's good advice, friend. [He raises the sword then lowers it.] You be very careful.

[Diego glares at Monty.  Monty salutes mockingly as he backs inside the jail door then shuts it.]

Don Alejandro
Sergeant! [Mendoza turns to face Don Alejandro.] Why don't you bring some horses?

Don Alejandro, the Alcalde had given me strict orders not to negotiate with criminals.

Let's at least appear to be cooperative until we can get Victoria out of there.

[Mendoza nods then walks past Diego.]

Mendoza [to a lancer standing near a wall]
Victor!  Traeme los caballos! (Translation: Bring the horses!)

Si, Sergeant.

[Closeup shot of the cuartel jail door handle.]

Mendoza [off camera]
Monan!  We have your horses!

[The door opens and Monty comes out, holding a sword to Victoria's throat as he grasps her around her waist.]

Monty [pointing with his sword as Rick comes out the door]
You call those horses?  I've seen better nags pulling a plow on my grandfather's farm.  Now, you get me two good mounts, quick.  And don't forget the ten thousand pesos.  You've got fifty-five minutes.

[He pulls Victoria backward toward the door.  Rick backs up as well.]

Don Alejandro
All right, Monan.  You'll get your better horses.  But nobody can get their hands on ten thousand pesos that quickly.

Oh, that's a pity.  I guess I'm just going to have to kill her.

[Diego looks away, obviously thinking hard.]

Diego [to Don Alejandro]
We have to give him something.

You're running out of time.

Diego [looking up suddenly with a pleased expression]
I know where you can get ten thousand pesos. . .yours for the taking.

I'm listening.

Right inside the Alcalde's office.

Mendoza [turning around to stare at Diego]

There's a safe in there with far more than ten thousand pesos.

[Rick whispers something to Monty.]

Monty [shaking his head]
The door's bolted from the inside.  We can't get to it.

We can.

Mendoza [excitedly]
But that's the Alcalde's money!

Don Alejandro [angrily to Mendoza]
That's money he extorted from the people of Los Angeles.

Diego [to Mendoza]
What's the combination to the safe?

I don't know.  Honestly.  Ever since it was robbed the last time, he changes the combination daily.  Nobody can get in there.

Don Alejandro
All right.  How about if we can get you a wagon then you can haul the safe away?

Rick [whispering to Monty]
We'll need to blow it.

Monty [to Don Alejandro]
We'll need gunpowder to blow it.

No, no, no!  Absolutely not!

Don Alejandro
One thing at a time.  Just don't hurt anybody.

Don't forget the guns, friend.

[He, Victoria, and Rick back up inside the jail door.]

I'll go.

[Don Alejandro stares after Diego as he walks away.  Then Don Alejandro looks back at the jail.]

[Exterior wide shot of the de la Vega hacienda.]

[Closeup shot of a metal rod as it moves about on a black board.  The camera pulls back to show Diego (wearing a dark blue vest and pants) and Felipe as Diego holds up the board with one hand and moves something around underneath it with the other.]

Diego [as he keeps moving his hand under the board]
These are ruthless men, Felipe.  If we were to simply let them escape with the money, they might still harm Victoria so she couldn't testify against them. [He looks away from the board at Felipe.] Good.

[He puts down the board then picks up a brown bottle.]

Diego [as he pours the bottle's contents, a powdery substance, into the palm of his left hand]
I think. . . [He blows the powder out of his hand.] this might be the answer.

[He closes his hand then turns away.]

[Exterior shot of the cuartel gates as several people and lancers stand outside the open gates.  Diego [again wearing his light brown suit) drives a wagon up to the gate and gets out as Don Alejandro, Mendoza, and the other men run up to him.]

Victoria. . .  Is she still all right?

Don Alejandro
Yes, for the moment.  Did you bring everything?


Don Alejandro
All right, gentlemen. . .Sergeant. . .let's go!

[Don Alejandro, Mendoza, and the other men walk back inside the cuartel yard.  Diego watches them go before stepping off to his right.  Don Alejandro walks up to the jail door with the others.]

Don Alejandro
Monan!  Monan!

[The jail door opens and Monty steps out, holding the sword.]

Don Alejandro
We got everything you wanted; horses, guns, a good wagon to haul the safe away.

What about the powder to blow the safe?

Don Alejandro [a bit irritatedly]
You've got the powder.  Now you can release the señorita.

Monty [shaking his head]
No.  No.  I want to see the money first.

Don Alejandro
How do we know you're going to let the girl go once you ‘see' the money?

Monty [smiling insincerely]
I guess you'll just have to trust me.

[Mendoza looks over at Don Alejandro with a concerned expression.  Monty backs inside the jail and closes the door.]

[Exterior shot of countryside as Zorro rides Toronado into the pueblo then behind the jail.  He climbs up onto the jail's roof then up onto de Soto's office's roof.]

[Interior shot of de Soto's office as Zorro opens the skylight in the ceiling and steps down onto the rafters.  He drops down onto the floor then turns around and looks out a window.  He then goes over and turns the handle on the door leading to the jail.  It doesn't open.  Zorro crosses the room then crouches down in front of the safe.  He runs a horseshoe shaped magnet across the safe's four tumblers.  Each one clicks before he puts down the magnet.]

[Exterior shot of the cuartel jail as Don Alejandro and Mendoza stand in front of its door.]

Don Alejandro [pointing at Mendoza]
Take control, Sergeant.

Mendoza [looking around nervously then waving his hand at two lancers]
Sancho, Romero.

[He then starts walking off to his left.  The two lancers follow him as does Don Alejandro.  They all run out through the cuartel gates and into the plaza.]

Mendoza [as he runs]
Anullo, Juan, help me get the safe into the wagon.

[Two more lancers follow him.]

[Interior shot of de Soto's office as Zorro still crouches in front of the safe.  He jumps nervously as he hears voices off camera.  The front door of the office opens and Mendoza walks inside followed by Don Alejandro.]

I don't like this at all, Don Alejandro.

Don Alejandro
It'll be all right, Sergeant.  Lancers!

[He waves the four lancers inside the office.  Mendoza and Don Alejandro take a clock and piles of papers off the top of the safe.  Zorro is gone.]

I never thought I would be doing a thing like this.

Don Alejandro
It's our only option, Sergeant.

When the Alcalde comes and sees all his gold gone, he's going to be very mad. [The four lancers surround the safe.] He's going to be furious.

Don Alejandro [as he goes over and opens the front doors wider]
He'll be fine.

[Three lancers pick up the safe and start carrying it out the out.]

Mendoza [pointing to his left]

[The fourth lancer follows the others out the door of the office.  The camera pans up where Zorro watches from the rafters.]

[Exterior shot of the cuartel jail as Don Alejandro and Mendoza run up to its door.]

Don Alejandro
Monty!  The wagon's here!

[The door opens and Monty and Rick come out, using Victoria as a shield.  Rick holds a sword to her throat.]

Don Alejandro
The safe's on the wagon.  Everything's ready to go.

Good boy, Alejandro.

Don Alejandro
Let go of the señorita.

Tut, tut, tut.  Don't be so impatient. We still need her to help us get out of town.  [He, Rick, and Victoria slowly start to move forward.] Everybody stay calm. [He points the sword at Mendoza.] You, back up.

Mendoza [backing up and waving his hand]
Hold your fire!

[Monty, Rick, and Victoria keep moving forward.]

Monty [brandishing the sword]
Nobody move!  Back up!

[People scramble to get out of the way.  The trio reach the wagon.]

Monty [to Rick]
Get the guns.

[Rick climbs up into the wagon and picks up a gun.  He spins around and points it at Don Alejandro and Mendoza who were following behind them.]

That's far enough!

[Don Alejandro and Mendoza stop in their tracks.  Monty pushes Victoria toward a horse.]

We're going for a little ride.

But you promised.

Shut up and get on the horse!

[He lifts her up into the saddle of a brown horse.  Victoria turns around and snarls at him.  Don Alejandro and Mendoza look on worriedly.  Monty mounts another brown horse.]

Don Alejandro
I thought we had a deal.  Why is she going with you?  We gave you everything you wanted.

Yeah, and how do I know that? [He points at Victoria.] She stays with me until we see the money.

[Don Alejandro looks at Mendoza worriedly.  Rick sits down in the driver's seat of the wagon and takes the reins in hand.]

Rick [flicking the reins]

[The wagon starts moving.]

Monty [waving mockingly]

[Don Alejandro and Mendoza watch as Rick, Monty, and Victoria leave the plaza.]

Don Alejandro [angrily]
If they don't let her go, I'll follow them till kingdom come.  Diego! [He looks around.] Where's Diego? [Disgustedly] He's never around when I need him!

[He stares off to his right.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Rick drives the wagon across a rocky field.  Monty and Victoria follow behind on horseback.  Rick brings the wagon to a halt them climbs into the back of the wagon.  He cuts the ropes holding the safe then pushes it out of the back of the wagon.  It lands upside down on the ground.  Rick then sit back down in the driver's seat and drives away.  A dismounted Monty grabs Victoria, who is still on horseback.]

Get off the horse.

[He pulls her off the horse then drags her over to a small tree.  He ties her to the tree's trunk.]

You better hope there's ten thousand pesos in that safe.

I'm sure there's enough money in there that the Alcalde has collected in taxes.

Good.  You might just live. [He presses his face against Victoria's as he finishes tying her up.] Don't go away.

[He walks away.]

Rick!  Blow it!

All right.

[Rick takes a keg from the wagon and carries it over to the safe.  Monty walks up to the safe.]

Monty [leaning over the safe]
Hurry up!  Let's go!

[Rick sets the keg next to the safe.]

Right here.

[Victoria struggles to free herself as Monty and Rick roll out a fuse line from the keg.  Rick lights the fuse.]

Okay, come on, Monty.  She's going to blow!

[Rick and Monty run away from the safe and towards Victoria.]

Get down!

[Rick and Monty both duck.  Monty pushes Victoria down as well.  The keg blows up beside the safe.  Debris from the explosion falls down around them.]

Monty [standing up]
Come on, let's get it.

[Monty and Rick run over to the safe and start fiddling with the handle as Victoria looks on, still tied to the tree.]

Open it, open it up!

[Victoria twists her wrists around, trying to free herself from the rope binding them.  Monty and Rick open the safe and purple smoke pours out of it.  Monty and Rick cough as they wave their hands around.]

What is this?

Come on, come on, come on.  Let's get out of here [He looks inside the safe.] Oh, it's empty!

Monty [angrily as he slaps his hands on the safe]
All bets are off! [He turns and starts walking toward Victoria.  He points at her.] You're going to die!

Zorro [off camera at first]
If anyone is going to die, Señor, it will be you.

[Monty and Rick turn around to see Zorro.]

Not again!

Victoria [excitedly]

[Monty and Rick run over to the wagon.]

The guns, Monty!

Zorro [touching his hat as he calmly walks toward the wagon]
At your service, as always, Señorita.

[Victoria smiles at him.  Monty and Rick grab a rifle apiece and then aim them at Zorro.]

Where's the money?

Zorro [with a chuckle]
Rest assured, it will soon be in the proper hands.

Yeah?  Rest assured you're a dead man.

[He adjusts the aim of his rifle.]

Victoria [worriedly]

[Monty pulls the trigger but the gun just puffs out a bit of smoke.  Victoria looks over at Zorro.]

Zorro [crossing his arms over his chest]
You know, you really must stop threatening people, Señor.  It's becoming very tiresome.

[Monty and Rick look down dumbly at their guns.]

Apparently whoever provided you with those weapons forgot to give you ammunition as well.

It was Don Diego, Zorro.

Please thank him for me, Señorita.

[Rick advances on Zorro, holding his gun like a club.  Zorro ducks as Rick swings the gun at his head.  Monty runs at Zorro, holding his gun out in front of himself.  Zorro does a back flip and kicks Monty in the chin.  Monty falls backward, dropping his gun.  Rick swings his gun at Zorro's head again.  Zorro punches him in the gut then trips him as he stumbles forward.  Rick falls on his face in the dirt.  Monty runs over to Victoria and cuts the ropes around her wrist with a knife.]

All right, Señorita, let's go.

[Zorro comes up behind Monty and starts to unsheathe his saber.  Monty grabs Victoria and puts the knife up to her throat.]

Back off!

Zorro [as he advance toward Monty and Victoria holding up his hands]
You have a nasty habit of hiding behind a woman's skirts, Señor.

Monty [backing away as Zorro comes forward]
I have no choice.

Victoria [turning her head to speak to him]
Yes you do.  Remember, you make the decisions.

Monty [pointing the knife at Zorro]
Turn around.

You're beginning to try my patience.

I said turn around!

[Zorro slowly turns his back to Monty and Victoria.  Monty starts to lead Victoria off to his left.  Zorro whistles.  One of the brown horses rears up on its hind legs, causing Monty and Victoria to stop.  Monty lets go of Victoria.  Zorro comes over and grabs the arm Monty is holding the knife in.  Zorro then punches Monty in the face.  Zorro forces Monty to his knees then whacks Monty's wrist onto his own knee, causing Monty to drop the knife.  Zorro pulls Monty up to his feet.]

Zorro [to Victoria]
Ride back to the pueblo and tell Sergeant Mendoza his prisoners are waiting for him.

It was amazing!  You whistled and Don Diego's horse reared.

Zorro [innocently]
Really?  I wasn't even looking.  Apparently Señor de la Vega is training his horses.  Ride now.  Quickly.

[Victoria nods and goes over to a horse.  Zorro leads Monty to his left.]

I've never enjoyed killing anyone, Señor, but when it comes to a man who terrorizes an innocent woman, I'd gladly make an exception.

[Zorro grabs Rick by the back of his neck and pulls him up to his feet.]

Comprende?  Get yourselves in the wagon.

[He pushes Monty and Rick toward the wagon then whistles.  Toronado whinnies off camera.]


[Exterior shot of the pueblo as people mill about in the plaza.]

Mendoza [off camera]
Señor Reyes. . .

[Exterior shot of the cuartel where Mendoza sits behind a table where a line of farmers stand waiting.]

Reyes [coming forward]
Here you go, Señor.

Mendoza [as Reyes hands him some coins]
Oh!  Oh, that's wonderful.  Gracias, gracias.

[Reyes walks away and another man comes forward.]

Señor de la Mesa, usted?

[Don Alejandro, Diego, and Victoria come up behind Mendoza as de la Mesa hand Mendoza some coins.]

Paid in full. [He chuckles.] Thanks.

Don Alejandro
Sergeant Mendoza, what's going on here?

I don't understand it, Don Alejandro.  The farmers must be having a bumper crop this season.  They're all paying their taxes in full. [He holds up a small brown pouch and shakes it.] Look, it's over ten thousand pesos.

[He chuckles again.]

Wonderful.  Then we can presume all tax evasion charges will be dropped?

Yes, of course.  The Alcalde will be very happy.  This will make up for the money Monty Monan stole from the safe.

It's funny how that money was never found.

Mendoza [looking slightly confused]
Yes, that is rather strange. [He looks at the next man in line.] Step right up, Señor Rodriguez.

[Don Alejandro looks at Diego, then he, Diego, and Victoria walks away as Mendoza takes Rodriguez's money.]

Voices [off camera]
Let's go.  Hurry up.  Keep moving.

[Two lancers are leading Monty and Rick into a barred prison wagon.]

Victoria [watching the prisoner being loaded]
Good riddance.

Don Alejandro
That Zorro.  Always riding to the rescue.

Okay.  Vamanos.

[The wagon starts to move away as Monty and Rick stand at the back of the wagon, grabbing onto the bars.]

Victoria [turning to face Don Alejandro and Diego]
Although he had some help this time. [She looks over at Diego.] Like muskets loaded with powder but no ammunition.

Diego [innocently]
Ah. [He snaps his fingers.] I knew I forgot something.

Victoria [to Don Alejandro]
And now he's training his horse to respond to a whistle.

Well, we've all seen how well trained Zorro's horse is.  I just thought I'd give it a try.

Don Alejandro [shaking his head]
Diego, my son, don't embarrass yourself by trying to imitate Zorro.

[He walks off to his left.  Diego looks over at Victoria.]

He's right, Don Diego.  You will only wind up looking foolish.

[She walks away to her right.  Diego shrugs his shoulders as he lets out his breath.  Then he smiles.]

*****END OF EPISODE***** 

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland   8, 12, 14, & 19 June 2007

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.