Transcriber's note: I am using the individual episodes to transcribe the so-called "Conspiracy of Blood" block of episodes that were the last four episodes of the series but will be inserting scenes added for the ‘Conspiracy of Blood" video movie.

"The Arrival"

Written by Robert L McCullough and Philip John Taylor
Directed by Ray Austin

First US Airdate 9 January 1993 Episode 4.10

[Exterior shot of a large city.  The words ‘Madrid, 1788' are superimposed on the screen (The video version has ‘Madrid, 1793' superimposed.).  Several other views of the city are shown.]

[Exterior shot of a pair of wooden doors to the right of an archway.]

Woman's Voice [off camera]
Stay calm, Señora.  It won't be long now.

[Interior shot of a bedroom where a young woman is lying in bed, moaning and whimpering, as an older woman wearing a nurse's cap and an white apron bends over her and holds her hand.]

Woman in Bed [breathlessly]
I wish Alejandro was here.

Older Woman
The King has work for him in Cadiz and God has work for you here. [The woman in the bed whimpers.] Now hush.

[The older woman leans closer and places her right ear on the other woman's stomach.  The sound of heart beats is heard.]

Woman in Bed
What. . .?  What do you hear, Inez?  Is something wrong?

No, there's nothing wrong, Señora.  Everything's just as I hoped.

[A knock sounds on the door.  Inez goes over and opens it.  A young female servant is on the other side, holding a tray containing a china tea service.  Inez smiles and takes the tray from the maid who then stands on tiptoe trying to look into the room.  Inez closes the door.  Her face becomes grim as she carries the tray to a table and sets it down.  She reaches into her apron pocket and pulls out a small bottle of white powder which she shakes into a teacup.  She hides the bottle as she stirs the tea with a spoon.  She picks up the cup and saucer then brings it over to the woman in the bed.

I've made an herbal tea.  My mother's recipe.

[Inez helps the woman in bed sit up.  The woman whimpers before picking up the cup and taking a long drink from it.]

Woman in Bed
Umm. . . [She sets the cup back onto the saucer, then sighs and leans back on her pillows.] Mother. . .  I'm going to be a mother.

[She closes her eyes.  Inez moves the woman's hand to her stomach before carrying the cup and saucer back to the table.  She turns and looks grimly over at the woman in bed, who has fallen asleep.]

[Exterior shot of a brick building surrounded by trees.  A baby's loud crying is heard as the camera zooms in on an upper story window.]

[Interior shot of the bedroom as Inez carries the baby and some blankets across the room. She opens the door and the young maid steps into the room, glancing around.]

Señora. . .

Wrap the infant warm and take it to my lodgings.

[She puts the baby into the maid's arms.]

Why?  What's wrong?

Do not question me.  It is a matter of life and death.  Trust me.  Use the backstairs and let no one see you.  Go.  Go.  Go.

[She pushes the maid out of the room and closes the door.

Woman in Bed [off camera]
Inez. . .

Inez [turning around and smiling]
I'm here.

[She walks over to the woman and takes her hand.]

Woman in Bed
I heard a baby.  Is my baby here?

No, not yet, my dear.  Not yet. [She puts her hand on the woman's shoulder.] Shh. . .

[The woman closes her eyes.]

[Exterior shot of the maid carrying the baby outside the pair of wooden doors.  She turns to her right then turns right again.  She stops and looks around then runs under the archway and through the narrow streets.]

[Exterior shot of an adobe building with a window.  A baby is heard crying.]

[Interior shot of Inez and the maid in a room.  The maid puts the crying baby down into a cradle.]

He cries for his mother.  Why did you take him from her?

Doña Elena has another son.  Born two minutes after this one and quite healthy.

Twins?  Oh.  What a surprise.

Inez [walking away]
Surprise?  No.  I heard two hearts beating, already out of rhythm. [She has her back to the maid and pulls a dagger from her skirt.] Even before birth.

But you said. . .  You said it was a matter of life and death.

And it is.

[She spins around and raises the dagger at the maid who then looks terrified.]

[Closeup shot of a baby crying in a cradle.  The camera pans over to Doña Elena lying in the bed.]

Doña Elena [tiredly]
Inez.  Inez!

[She sits up and looks over at the baby.  The door opens and an older man comes into the bedroom.  The baby keeps crying.  The man walks over to Doña Elena and bends down, putting his hand on her shoulder.]

I can't find her anywhere.  How could she leave you at a time like this?

[He gently pushes Doña Elena back against her pillows then kisses her forehead.  He rubs her hand then goes over to the cradle and looks down at the crying baby.]

He's so handsome, Elena.

[He reaches down and picks up the baby.]

If only your mother could have live to see this. [He lifts up the crying baby so Elena can see him.] Alejandro will be so proud of him. [He looks down at the baby in his hands.] My grandson Diego.  Diego, Diego, Diego.

[The baby Diego keeps crying.]


(Added scene:

[Exterior shot of Don Alejandro, Felipe, and Diego riding into the pueblo which is decorated with buntings and banners.  The words ‘Los Angeles, 1824' is superimposed on the screen.]

Diego [as he rides through the plaza, looking around]
What a splendid banner.  This Risendo fellow should be very impressed.

Don Alejandro
Well, emissaries are seldom impressed, Diego.

[They ride up to the tavern.]

Don Alejandro
Buenos dias, Victoria.

Victoria [stepping off the tavern porch as the men dismount]
Buenos dias, Don Alejandro, Diego.

End of added scene)

[Exterior shot of the pueblo de Los Angeles as de Soto and Mendoza stand in front of several soldiers in front of the cuartel.]

de Soto


de Soto
Don Gilberto Risendo will be arriving here shortly.

[Diego and Victoria join the other people gathering in the plaza.]

de Soto
He is a special emissary from the King himself.  Now, I do not know the exact nature of his mission here.  [He starts walking in front of the line of lancers.] But it is vital . . .

Mendoza [following de Soto]

de Soto
Thank you, Sergeant.

[Mendoza nods.]

de Soto
That he take back to Madrid with him glowing reports of Los Angeles. And I want you to bear that in mind. . . [Diego look over at Victoria who is standing to his right.  To Diego's left, Felipe and Don Alejandro smile as they listen to de Soto.] during his entire stay in our charming little pueblo.

Man in a Light Gray Suit [turning around to face de Soto]
Charming pueblo?

[De Soto and Mendoza turn around to stare at the man.  The man starts walking toward them.]

Man in a Light Gray Suit
I've seen better dung heaps in the slums of Madrid.

[Diego and Victoria look worriedly at each other as other people murmur.]

How can this man talk that way?

[The man in the gray suit is followed by a man in a tan suit as they walk toward de Soto and Mendoza.]

de Soto [indignantly]
How dare you, Señor?  I beg your pardon.  Identify yourself immediately.

[The man takes a scroll from his companion and holds it out to de Soto.  De Soto takes it and hands Mendoza the feathery hat he had been carrying.  De Soto slides a ribbon off the scroll, shakes it open, then starts reading it.  Mendoza peers over at it too.  De Soto look up at the man sharply, his mouth gaping like a fish.  Mendoza also look over at the man.]

de Soto
Emissary Risendo, we. . .uh. . .we. . .we expected you to arrive by coach.  We had a big welcome planned.

Risendo [sarcastically]
Do you now?

[Mendoza starts to raise his arm.]

de Soto
Go tell the band, Sergeant.

[Mendoza turns to leave.]

Risendo [smiling smugly as he looks over at his companion]
Arrest him.

de Soto [incredulously]

[The man in the tan suit goes over and grabs de Soto's right arm.]

de Soto
Emissary, I'm the alcalde of this pueblo, appointed by the King himself. [The man twists de Soto's arm up against his back.] Aah!  Lancers!  My men are loyal to me.

Risendo [turning around]
Tell that to my Royal Guardsmen.

[Soldiers with muskets and metal helmets pop up from the roof of the church and other buildings, aiming their weapons into the plaza.  More soldiers run into the plaza from every direction.]

de Soto

For the leader of a colonial garrison, you were too easily surprised, Señor.  And such incompetence in the service of the Crown is a felony.

de Soto [as he is lead away]
But. . .  But. . .  I'll tell the governor of this.

Risendo [addressing the crowd]
Your alcalde will be execute at sunrise.

[Victoria looks up at Diego then starts toward Risendo.  Diego, Felipe, and Don Alejandro immediately step up behind her.]

Executed? [She looks over her shoulder at Diego.] On what ground?

Perhaps you'd like to join your treasonous, inept alcalde?

Treason?  What are you talking about?

Spain is embroiled in a war with France.  An expensive war.  And your distance from Madrid does not excuse you from your obligations to the King.

Victoria [indignantly]
Obligations?  Well, excuse me, but we pay our taxes.  We pay taxes on our homes, on our crops. . .  We pay taxes on everything.

[She turns and looks at Don Alejandro who nods, then turns back to Risendo whose companion now stands behind him.]

You will now pay a special war tax.  I am authorized to collect a total of ten thousand pesos.

Ten thousand pesos to wage a war who will only benefit you and some cannon makers?

[Risendo turns to his companion, who pulls out a pistol and aims it at Victoria.  Diego steps in front of Victoria and pumps her toward Don Alejandro who puts out his arms and holds on to her.]

Ah, Señor Emissary, I must apologize for the señorita.  She's a modern woman. [He turns and glares at Victoria as he speaks.] Argumentative, perhaps, but fiercely loyal nonetheless.

[Risendo looks again at his companion, who then lowers the pistol.  Diego chuckles nervously.]

It's, um, a shame the war with the French goes so poorly.

Poorly?  We are close to victory.

Well, but just yesterday I received a letter from an old friend, a captain in the cavalry.  He tells me our armies are being routed.

And just what would be the name of your friend, this captain?

He said that his men are laying down their arms in surrender.  After all, he should know what's he talking about.  He's in the front lines, not collecting taxes in the colonies.

Risendo [raising his voice]
I'll have his name!

It's really not important.

Lieutenant Hidalgo, take this arrogant caballero to the cuartel.

[Diego walks toward Hidalgo as Victoria whispers worriedly to Don Alejandro who then looks over at a  worried Felipe.]

I'm going to teach this pueblo the meaning of loyalty.  Clear the area!

[The garrison soldiers just stand in place.  Risendo's men start pushing people backward.]

Risendo [angrily]
I said clear the area!

[His men keep pushing people out of the plaza.  Risendo look around angrily.]

Risendo [tapping Mendoza on the chest with his gloves]
You!  Your alcalde's quarters will be placed at my disposal immediately.  As he will soon be dead, he'll no longer be needing them.

[Risendo turns and walks toward the cuartel.  Mendoza looks ill as he turns to look at Don Alejandro and Victoria.  Don Alejandro starts toward Risendo.]

Don Alejandro

[Risendo turns around and faces Don Alejandro.]

Don Alejandro
It's my son you have in jail.

Then you should teach him to keep a tighter rein on his mouth.

[He turns and starts to walk away again.]

Don Alejandro
De la Vegas always speak out!

[Risendo turns and stares at Don Alejandro.]

De la Vega?  And you would be. . .

Don Alejandro [proudly]
Alejandro de la Vega, friend of the royal family.  Perhaps even you have heard of me?

Oh, yes, I've heard of you, Señor.  I've certainly heard of you.


[Exterior shot of the tavern.]

[Interior shot of the tavern as Don Alejandro and Risendo walk up to the bar.  Risendo is now dressed in a military uniform.]

And your old friend, Don Jose Cabrillo.  He owns five textile mills and half of Barcelona.

[Don Alejandro sets his gloves down on the bar as Risendo puts his feathery hat on the bar.]

Four sons and thirteen grandchildren.  How about you, Alejandro?  Any grandchildren?

Don Alejandro
No grandchildren.  My son is not married.

Is that so?  What a shame?

Don Alejandro [angrily]
Not yet.  And he won't get married as long as he sits in your jail.

Look how angry you are.

Don Alejandro
I am. . .

Something to drink, hmm?

[Victoria looks at him angrily then at Don Alejandro.]

Don Alejandro [in a calmer voice]
Victoria, por favor.

[He nods.  Victoria reaches under the bar and pulls out two glasses, then setting one in front of each man.  She then reaches down again and brings up a pitcher and sets it down on the bar.]

Don Alejandro

[Victoria glares at Risendo then walks away.]

Risendo [picking up the pitcher]
Don Alejandro, as a friend [He pours out their drinks.] to the King, you know no matter how badly the war with the French goes, we can't go telling such news to every peasant or laborer. . .

Don Alejandro
Or taxpayer?

Precisely.  You see, we understand each other perfectly.  On the other hand, uh. . .Diego. . .is that his name?. . . seems terribly confused by the political realities of today's world.

Don Alejandro
Well, the foremost reality is that Diego. . . and that is his name. . .sit in your jail, doesn't he?

You must hold him very dear.

Don Alejandro
My only son.  We're loyal to each other. . .and to Spain!

[He lifts his glass then drinks from it.  Risendo lifts his glass.]

In that case, he shall go free.

[He drinks from his glass as Don Alejandro looks at him, then picks up his gloves.  He nods at Risendo then leaves the tavern.  Risendo looks upset as he sets his glass back down on the bar.]

[Exterior shot of a window in the cuartel jail as a lancer walks past it.  The camera zooms up to the window.]

de Soto [off camera at first]
I'm the alcalde.  I'm the authority here.

[Interior shot of the jail as de Soto stands in his cell, looking out the window.  Diego stands in the adjoining cell, his arms crossed over his chest.]

de Soto
He can't do this to me.

Diego [shaking his head]
It's my guess he planned to execute you long before he even arrived.

de Soto [incredulously]
Why?  Why me, hmm?

Diego [sarcastically]
Because you're the most powerful man in the territory.

de Soto
Oh, of course.  Of course!  If he hangs me, he'll be obeyed and feared by everyone without question.

[The door to the jail opens and Mendoza enters the room.  De Soto rushes over to his cell door.]

de Soto
Sergeant, what's going on out there?

Emissary Risendo has declared martial law.  His men have disarmed all our lancers.

de Soto [incredulously]
What?  He can't do that.  No emissary can have such sweeping powers. [Mendoza goes over to Diego's cell and starts unlocking it.] What are you doing, Sergeant?

He had given me direct orders to release Don Diego.

[He opens Diego's cell door and Diego walks out.]

de Soto
What about me?

I'm sorry, Alcalde.

de Soto

[Mendoza walks over to the door leading out of the jail as Don Alejandro walks through it.  He is followed by Risendo.  Don Alejandro and Diego hug and pat each other on the back.]

Risendo [a bit sarcastically]
Such devotion between a father and son.

Don Alejandro [turning and glaring]
The de la Vegas take great pride in family loyalty.

Risendo [even more sarcastically]
How inspiring.  It should be a lesson to us all.

[Diego starts toward Risendo but Don Alejandro holds him back.]

Don Alejandro
Diego.  Can we go home?

[Don Alejandro and Diego then walk past Risendo on their way out of the jail.  Risendo and Diego give each other the evil eye.

de Soto
What about me?

You?  Why, you're going to die, of course.

[He turns and walks out of the room.  Mendoza follows him and shuts the door behind him.  De Soto hits his head against the cell bars and looks anguished.]

[Exterior shot of the de la Vega hacienda.]

[Interior shot of the secret cave where Diego is sharpening Zorro's saber while Felipe brings his hands over his head then down to his chest then mimes shaking cells bar then smiles.]

Diego [pausing his sharpening]
You're right.  It is rather ironic that the Alcalde sits helpless inside his own jail.

[He starts sharpening the saber again.  Felipe puts one of his hands above the other, then holds up his right index finger, then brings his hands to his chest.]

Diego [stopping his sharpening]
De Soto isn't my favorite person but I can't allow him to be unjustly executed.

[He starts sharpening again.  Felipe touches Diego's arm, then puts his hands over his head then mimes aiming a gun.  Diego stops sharpening.]

Yes.  Risendo's guards are hardened warriors.  That's why whatever happens tomorrow. . . [He looks down the length of the saber.] Zorro must be prepared for the worst.

(Added scene:

[Exterior shot of de Soto's office as a lancer stands outside.]

[Interior shot of de Soto's office where Risendo sits behind the desk.  Victoria and Don Alejandro stand in front of the desk.]

Accusing the Alcalde of official incompetence is one thing, but executing him?

Don Alejandro
At the very least, the man deserves a fair hearing.  Besides, you were in town less than five minutes when you had him arrested.  Hardly enough time to prove incompetence, Señor.

I don't have to prove anything.  This pueblo's under martial law.

Well, mark my words.  Zorro will not stand for this.

Zorro?  Oh, yes. [He chuckles.] Stories of your pueblo's clandestine support of a flamboyantly masked bandit are well know in Madrid. [He picks up a pistol off the desk.]  Well, if he shows his face here this morning, I shall put an end to those stories.

[The front door opens and Hidalgo steps inside then closes the door.  Risendo look over at him as he strokes his pistol.]

The prisoner is ready fro execution, Emissary Risendo.

Thank you, Lieutenant. [He stands up and looks at Victoria and Don Alejandro.] Please, join me for the festivities.

End of added scene)

[Exterior shot of de Soto's office as one of Risendo's men stands outside.  De Soto is shoved out the front door by two soldiers.  His hands are tied behind his back.  Mendoza comes out of the office followed by more of Risendo's men then Risendo and Lieutenant Hidalgo.  The two soldiers bring de Soto over to stand by two wagons.]

Don Alejandro [as he comes out of the office with Victoria]
No gallows?  Where's the firing squad?

Hangings and gun fire are so quick and clean, that they have very little lasting effect upon the rabble.

Victoria [indignantly]
Rabble?  How dare you?  These are all good people.

Then these good people are about to get a lesson in loyalty to the Crown. [He points to de Soto.] You see, this form of execution has become quite the vogue in Spain.  Once they've seen a man ripped apart. . . [People gasp.] everyone seems to forget their petty criticisms of the government.  Tie him!

[De Soto is shoved forward by the two soldiers.]

Don Alejandro
You can't be serious.

Watch.  You'll see just how serious I am.

Don Alejandro [angrily]
This is barbaric!

True.  Then war itself is barbaric.

[De Soto's arms are being tied to the back of the two wagons as he struggles.]

And as I have tried to impress you all, Spain is at war!

[Mendoza puts a white blindfold upon de Soto's eyes.]

de Soto [jerking his head away]
No, Sergeant, no.

Alcalde, it will be easier this way.

de Soto
No blindfolds.  The de Sotos have always faced death with dignity.  I'm not going to break my family's tradition.

Risendo [inappropriately cheerful]
I put de Soto's inept sergeant in charge of the execution on pain of death.  The irony is perfect, don't you think?  The incompetent in the hands of the incompetent.

[De Soto looks over his shoulder at Risendo.]

Is everything in order, Sergeant?

Mendoza [grimly]
Si, Señor Emissary.

Then you may proceed with the execution.

Victoria [shaking her head]
I can't watch this.

[She turns and puts her face against Don Alejandro's chest as he puts his arms around her.  A padre in a brown robe with the hood pulled up over his head skirts around the edge of the crowd.  De Soto stands bravely as Mendoza fidgets nervously.]

Risendo [irritatedly]
Well, what are you waiting for, you ignorant buffoon? [He starts walking toward Mendoza.] Get on with it.

Mendoza [turning to look at Risendo]

Risendo [incredulously]
What did you say?

de Soto
He said no.

Risendo [angrily as he brings up a pistol and points it at Mendoza]
Proceed with the execution.  Now!

Mendoza [defiantly]
No!  It's not right.

[The hooded padre grabs a rifle from one of Risendo's men then punches the soldier in the face.  The padre is Zorro and he aims then fires the rifle, shooting the pistol from Risendo's hand.  He tosses the rifle aside then strips off the brown robe.]

Zorro!  It's Zorro!

[Don Alejandro and Victoria turn and look at Zorro with smiles on their faces.  Zorro runs toward Risendo's men and kicks one of them in the chest.]

Drivers!  Start your wagons!

[Closeup shot of one of the wagon drivers as he whips his horse and the wagon starts moving.]

[Exterior shot of Zorro rushing over and cutting the ropes binding de Soto to the wagons.  The wagons drive away and de Soto falls to the ground.]

Mendoza [crouching down beside de Soto]
Alcalde. . .

[Zorro waves his saber at Risendo as the soldiers aim their muskets ate him.]

Leave him alone, Guardsmen.

[The soldiers put down their muskets.]

Lieutenant Hidalgo, take care of him.

[Hidalgo draws out his sword and brandishes it about it.]

Zorro [sarcastically]
Very impressive.  Can he fight as well?

Risendo [walking toward Hidalgo]
Can he fight?  Lieutenant Hidalgo has killed over a hundred Frenchmen in battle.

[He pats Hidalgo on the left shoulder.]

Too bad for him I'm not French.

[He throws up his hands then turns and starts walking away, bringing his saber up to rest on his right shoulder.  Hidalgo angrily rushes up behind Zorro then lunges.]


[Zorro turns around and parries the thrust easily.  Zorro drives Hidalgo backward.  One of Risendo's men stands up and aims his musket at Zorro's head but a gun shot from the second floor of the tavern hits the soldiers in the helmet, causing sparks.  People start scrambling out of the plaza.  Zorro continues to force Hidalgo backward, then suddenly kicks him in the chin.]


[He falls backward but is caught by Risendo before hitting the ground.]

Zorro [pointing to the fallen soldier]
Consider that a warning!  The next man to interfere will not be so fortunate.

[Hidalgo regains his footing and lunges at Zorro again.  Zorro parries the thrust then punches Hidalgo with a left hook.  Hidalgo spins around then falls to his hands and knees then collapses face down onto the ground.]

[Closeup shot of Felipe aiming a rifle from a green shuttered window.]

[Exterior shot of one of Risendo's men raising his rifle.  A shot rings out and sparks fly from the man's helmet.  He falls backward.  Risendo whips off his belt and pulls his sword from its scabbard.]

Stay away form him!  He's mine!

Zorro [holding out his arms the bowing mockingly]
Señor, I'm flattered.

Risendo [lunging at Zorro]

[Risendo goes on the attack, driving Zorro backward.  Risendo lunges at Zorro again.]


[Zorro sidesteps the thrust and Risendo winds up sticking his sword into ta wooden crate instead.]

Risendo [pulling his sword from his crate]

[He and Zorro circle each other warily before commencing their duel.  Don Alejandro and Victoria watch, Don Alejandro with a smile while Victoria looks on worriedly.  De Soto and Mendoza watch while still crouching down on the ground.  Zorro twirls his saber around Risendo's sword and Risendo tries to hack at Zorro but stumbles past him.  Risendo throws a potted plant at Zorro but misses.  Somehow Risendo drops his sword and bends down to pick it up but Zorro puts the tip on his saber on it.  Risendo looks up at him and Zorro whips his saber away, allowing Risendo to pick up his sword.  Risendo tries to slice Zorro in half lengthwise but Zorro blocks the blow.  They continue their duel for a few more moments until Zorro punches Risendo in the face, then grabs him by the back of the neck and slams his head into a post.  Zorro presses Risendo up against the post then comes around it and faces him.]

Zorro [angrily]
A representative of the King should govern with compassion, Señor. [He grabs Risendo's chin.] And justice.  These people came to Los Angeles to settle the wilderness.  They've earned their right to be treated fairly and with dignity.  Never forget that.  Should it slip your mind, I'll return to finish this encounter.  Now collect your taxes quickly and begone.  Adios.

[He lets go of Risendo's face and turns to his left.  De Soto and Mendoza struggle to their feet.  Risendo moves to the other side of the post then throws a pitchfork at Zorro's back.  Zorro turns around and knock it aside.]

Guards!  Guards!

[Don Alejandro starts forward and Victoria follows.  Soldiers start running with their muskets.  Zorro looks around then hops onto Toronado's back.  Risendo runs out into the middle of the plaza.  A soldier aims his musket at Zorro.]

[Closeup of Felipe at the window, aiming his rifle.]

[Exterior shot of the soldier as a shot is fired.  Sparks fly off the man's helmet.  Zorro rides up to Risendo.]

Our fight is not yet over, Señor.

[He turns and rides away.]

Kill him!  Kill him!

[One of the soldier raises his rifle and a shot rings out, striking him in the helmet, causing sparks to fly.]

[Closeup of Felipe at the window, putting the rifle inside.]

[Exterior shot of the plaza as soldiers runs up and take aim at Zorro as he rides away.  One of them to the right of Risendo fires his musket, then a soldier to Risendo's left fires.  Zorro rides out of the pueblo as another soldier fires at him and obviously misses.]


[Exterior shot of the plaza where Don Alejandro and Victoria are standing in front of de Soto and Mendoza.  Mendoza is helping de Soto stand up.]

Don Alejandro
Alcalde, are you all right?

[De Soto straightens himself.  Risendo marches up behind de Soto.]

Make no mistake. [He points at de Soto.] You are still under sentence of death.  And so is your sergeant for refusing my orders.  However, capture Zorro and I'll repeal the sentence.  You have three days.

[De Soto and Mendoza look at each other.]

Or I will take great pleasure in shooting you both myself.

[He walks away.  De Soto and Mendoza looks at each other again then de Soto shakes his head.]

[Interior shot of de Soto's office as Hidalgo comes through the front door.  He walks up to Risendo, who is standing in front of de Soto's desk.  Hidalgo hands Risendo an envelope.]

A letter from Madrid, Emissary.

[Risendo takes the envelope as he raises his eyebrows.  Hidalgo turns and marches out of the office.  Risendo opens the envelope.}

Woman's Voice [voiceover as Risendo looks at the letter]
My dear son.  You should have arrived by now and be well on your way to achieving your real purpose in visiting Los Angeles. . .

[Interior shot of an older woman sitting at a desk writing with a quill.]

Woman's Voice [voiceover as the woman at the desk writes]
The destruction of the de la Vegas.  You must never forget the humiliation I suffered at the hands of Don Alejandro de la Vega.  Never forget you were rejected by your natural mother.  But I took you in, loved you, and cared for you.

[Interior shot of de Soto's office as Risendo continues to read the letter.]

Woman's Voice [voiceover]
The de la Vega inheritance will be yours, dearest Gilberto. Be my arm of vengeance and grind them into the dust.

[Risendo folds up the letter and then walks over to the front door of the office and looks out the narrow crack.]

[Shot from Risendo's point of view of Don Alejandro, de Soto, Victoria, Mendoza, Felipe, and Diego stand around in the plaza, talking.]

[Interior shot of de Soto's office as Risendo looks out the door.  He brings the letter up to his lips and kisses it.]

Into the dust.

[He continues to stare out the door as he fondles the letter.]

*****END OF EPISODE*****

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland 19 January 2007

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.