"He Who Lives by the Sword"

Written by Philip John Taylor
Directed by Ray Austin

First US Airdate 12 Oct 1990 Episode 2.5

[A stagecoach rolls through the pueblo gate, through the busy plaza and stops in front of the tavern.]

[A well-dressed man steps into the tavern and looks around.]

[Diego and Felipe sit at a table as Diego sorts through a handful of letter.]

Diego [reading the return address of one of the letter as the newcomer wanders around the tavern]
A letter from Paris.  From Daniel Delourgefoucar, without a doubt the biggest bore in Europe.  His letters are just as bad, full of gossip and little else.

[Diego tosses the letter aside then points at Felipe.]

Diego [now pointing to his left]
Would you load the painting for me?

[Felipe nods and gets up.]


[The newcomer walks by the table where Mendoza and Gomez are eating and talking.  Mendoza stands up to greet the man.]

Señor!  Welcome to the pueblo de Los Angeles.

Thank you, my good fellow.  Do you know this territory well?

[Mendoza looks over at Gomez and they both laugh.]

Like the back of my hand.

Ah, then tell me something.  Who is the most skillful swordsman in the territory?

Mendoza [puffing up his chest]
You are looking at him.

Gomez [whispering to Mendoza]
But Sergeant, what about Zor. . .

Mendoza [to Gomez]
Shh. [then to the newcomer] Permit me to introduce myself.  Sergeant Jaime Mendoza, undoubtedly the finest swordsman in all of Los Angeles.

[Diego looks up from his mail and smiles at Mendoza's bragging.]

Man [thoughtfully]

[The man picks up a pitcher from the table and pours its contents down the front of Mendoza's uniform.  Mendoza sputters with indignity.]

Ooh!  Ooh!

Gomez [to the newcomer]
Hey, see here, Señor!

[The man pushes Gomez by the face as Diego looks on angry.  Gomez falls backward to the floor.]

Man [addressing everyone in the tavern]
Wherever I go, the first thing I do is seek out the best swordsman in town. [He draws out his sword.] And then I kill him.

[People gasp as he places the tip of his sword at Mendoza's throat.  Diego gets to his feet as Victoria emerges from the kitchen, carrying a tray.  She stops and stares at the man and Mendoza.]

It saves so much time.


Man [with his sword still at Mendoza's throat]
[dialogue that is cut off on my tape!]. . .or perhaps you could use a little incentive?

[He uses his sword to pop the buttons off the front of a seething Mendoza's uniform.]

Diego [through clenched teeth]
Be calm, Sergeant.  Don't draw.

[Victoria hears Diego's advice and looks up at him with a confused expression.]

Mendoza [angrily]
That is quite enough, Señor.

[Mendoza tosses the table in front of him aside then draws out his sword.  He lunges at the newcomer.  The man smiles mockingly as he advances on Mendoza, who is quickly disarmed.]

Man [disdainfully]
You have all the technique of a wounded buffalo.

[He pins Mendoza up against a wall, his sword again at Mendoza's throat.]

Prepare to die.

[A sword is then pointed at the man's neck]

Ramón [off camera]
Drop.  Your.  Sword.

Man [barely turning his head]
Who dares to make such a demand?

Luis Ramón, alcalde of this pueblo.  And who might you be?

Thackery.  Sir Miles Thackery.

Diego [whispering to Victoria]
Sir Miles Thackery is said to be the greatest swordsman in Europe.  We must help Mendoza.

[He walks toward Thackery and Ramón.]


[He walks in between Thackery and Mendoza.]

The good sergeant is far from being the best swordsman in Los Angeles.

This is very true, Don Diego.

In fact, he's inclined to exaggerate his accomplishments.  His skills with weapons are deplorable.

Mendoza [indignantly]
Well, I wouldn't go that far. . .

[He stops speaking when Thackery presses his sword harder against his throat.]

Diego [never taking his eyes off Thackery]
He is not a worthy opponent, Señor.

[Thackery lowers his sword then speaks to Ramón without turning around.]

And now drop your sword. [He then turns to look at Ramón.] Or I will make you eat it.  The hilt is the hardest part to swallow.

[Ramón just blinks angrily at the threat.  Thackery attacks Ramón who puts up a good fight for a while.  Thackery finally snatches away Ramón's sword, driving Ramón to his knees with Thackery's sword at his throat.]

Until I choose to leave, I own this town.

Diego [in a low angry voice with a wide-eyed Mendoza standing behind him]
This must be stopped.

[Thackery steps around Ramón as he sheathes his sword.  He reaches out and touches Victoria's chin, turning her head around to face him.]

Hmm, very pretty.

[Diego glares at Thackery then starts to move toward him and Victoria.]

Thackery [to Victoria]
I shall require your best room.

Victoria [a bit defiantly]
Someone is staying in it.

Thackery [raising his voice]
I shall require your best room immediately.

[He lets go of Victoria's chin and looks around the tavern.]

You would all dearly love to see me dead.  Excellent!  That way everyone knows which side they're on and life is so much simpler.

[He then looks down at Victoria with a sneer.]

Why are you still here?  You have work to do.

[Victoria looks over at Diego for guidance.  He nods.  She then nervously looks up at Thackery before hurrying toward the stairs.  Thackery follows her.  Diego turns and watches as they both go up the staircase.]

[Exterior shot of the pueblo.  It is market day and the people have their ware out for sale.]

[Thackery walks around the plaza, stepping on fruit and vegetables that the people are trying to sell.]

Don Alejandro [off camera]
Come, Señores, I know you can do better than that.

[Thackery stops at a farmer's stall and takes out a knife.  He cuts out a slice of melon.]

Don Alejandro [off camera]
Now we have six.  Do I hear seven hundred?  We have seven hundred and fifty pesos.

[Thackery takes a bite of the melon slice then spits it out.  He throws the rest of the slice onto the ground and walks off.]

Don Alejandro
Do we have eight hundred?  Eight hundred pesos, Señores.  Eight hundred pesos. [He points at someone in the crowd.] Sold for eight hundred pesos to the señor from Buenaventura, Ray Austino.

[Don Alejandro bangs a gavel on a fence post.  Thackery wanders over to the fence where two little girls and an old man are watching the cattle auction.]

Don Alejandro
And now, Señores, it is my pleasure to announce the selling of my own prized bull.

I bid eight hundred pesos.

Don Alejandro
I have an offer of eight hundred pesos.

Nine hundred.

Don Alejandro [smiling]
Nine hundred pesos.  Do I hear one thousand?  One thousand pesos and worth every centavo.

Thackery [lifting his hand]
Eleven hundred.

Don Alejandro [nodding]
Eleven hundred and thank you, sir.  Do I hear twelve hundred?

The bidding is closed.

Don Alejandro [a bit peeved]
Excuse me, sir.  The bidding is not closed.

[Thackery looks at the little girl at his left, then pushes her head down to the side with his hand.]

Little Girl

Thackery [looking at Don Alejandro challengingly]
Do you wish to argue, amigo?

[Don Alejandro slides down from the fence rail where he had been sitting and steps towards Thackery.]

Little Girl [as Thackery pushes on her harder]
Ow!  Ow!

Don Alejandro [through gritted teeth]
Eleven hundred pesos.  Sold to the gentleman in the black hat.

[He bangs his gavel down again on the fence post, then bangs it again, this time breaking the gavel.]

[Exterior shot of the de la Vega hacienda]

[Inside, Diego is hammering a nail into a wall as Felipe watches.  Diego then hangs a painting on the nail and adjust it so it is handing straight.  He and Felipe stand back to look at it.  The front door is slammed open, knocking the painting down off the wall.  Diego picks it up and puts it on a chair as Don Alejandro storms into the hacienda.]

Don Alejandro
The audacity of the man!


Don Alejandro
This English popinjay. . .  This Thackery.  He has the nerve to bind only eleven hundred pesos for our prized bull and then he promptly declares the bidding closed, Diego.

That is a bit irregular.

Don Alejandro
And not only that, when I asked for my money, he just laughed in my face.  No, no, no.  He turned around and sold the bull again for fifteen hundred pesos.  Oh yes, he paid me, but kept the difference for himself.

Diego [calmly]
Well, no wonder you're upset.

[He goes over and sits down in a chair.]

Don Alejandro
Of course I'm upset!  But not for myself.  Do you know that this Englishman went around, robbing the poor merchants dry.  And what did our little alcalde do?  Nothing!

After his first encounter with Thackery, one can hardly blame him.

Don Alejandro
Well, I have a plan, son.  You and I will ride to Santa Paula.  The alcalde there, he's my friend.  We'll get additional troops and we will rid ourselves once and for all of this monster.

Diego [picking up Delourgefoucar's letter]
What would be the point?  By the time we return, Thackery will have already moved on to greener pastures.  You'll see.

Don Alejandro [through clenched teeth]
You never cease to amaze me, son.  Really.  [He shakes in his head in disgust.] Hmm. . .

[He turns to walk away but stops when he see the painting sitting on the chair.]

You like it?  It's called ‘Patience Sitting on a Monument.'

[Don Alejandro looks at Diego with disdain.]

Don Alejandro [shaking his head again]
Get. . .  Ah!

[He walks away then.  Felipe watches Don Alejandro leave.  Diego grimly shoves the letter back into its envelope.  Felipe turns and makes a ‘Z' in the air with his finger.]

No, Felipe.  Not just yet.

[He throws the envelope back down onto the table.]

[Exterior shot of the tavern as people walk by outside.]

[Inside, Thackery is sitting at a table, rubbing his forehead and looking pensive.  Victoria starts to walk across the room carrying a tray of food.]

Voice [off camera]
Buenos dias, Diego.

[Victoria set the tray down on Thackery's table and starts putting out silverware and a napkin.]

Thackery [looking down at the plate of food]
You call this roast beef? [He glares up at Victoria then points to his boot which he places up on the bench.]  This looks more appetizing.

[He pushes the plate of food off the table.  It lands at Diego's feet as a worried Felipe stands by his side.]

Thackery [to Victoria]
Now get me a decent meal or you will be getting a taste of this.

[He points at his boot again.]

Victoria [leaning over to the table and getting in his face]
Get it yourself!

[She starts to walk away but Thackery jumps up and grabs her arms, spinning her around to face him.  Several men in the tavern get to their feet, including Mendoza and Gomez.]

Thackery [as Victoria struggles to get away]
Nobody, not even a pretty señorita, talks to me like that.

Diego [authoritatively]
Take your hands off her!

[Both Victoria and Thackery turn and look at Diego in surprise.]

Victoria [worriedly]

I do believe you're looking for a fight, Señor.

Diego [through clenched teeth as he walks up to Thackery]
Any time, anywhere.

Shall we say ten minutes from now, in the plaza?

[Diego nods, then he turns away and walks out of the tavern with Felipe.  Victoria looks up nervously at Thackery then hurries after Diego.  Thackery smiles smugly.]


[Diego and Thackery are standing the plaza, sword at the ready.  Thackery lunges at Diego, who parries.  Thackery drives Diego backwards across the plaza as Diego clumsily defends himself.  He stumbles and spins around, Thackery nearly missing him with a slicing blow.  Felipe and Victoria watch anxiously.  Diego makes a tentative thrust that Thackery easily parries.  Thackery drives Diego under a canopy.  Diego looks upward and pretends to stumble as he cuts the canopy's ropes, causing it to fall on Thackery's head.]

Mendoza [also watching anxiously with Gomez]
Don Diego!

[Thackery extricates himself from the canopy then he and Diego circle each other.  Diego wildly attacks Thackery then stumbles forward, almost falling on his face.  Ramón is also in the crowd of onlookers, watching nervously.  Diego regains his footing as Thackery wields his sword at him.]

I will put you out of your misery.

[Victoria winces at Thackery's words and shuts her eyes.]

You have exactly five seconds to live. [He counts as he lunges forward] One. . .  Two. . .  Three. . .  Four. . .

[Diego stumbles again, this time onto the tavern porch and falls flat on his face.]

Diego [as he lands]

Victoria [off camera]

[Thackery watches impatiently as Diego struggles to sit up.]

Diego [reaching down and grabbing his right ankle]
Oh wait.  I think I've twisted my ankle.

I will not kill a man on his back.

Diego [looking up at Thackery as he feels his ankle]
Ah!  It's quite definitely sprained, I'm afraid.  Quite badly.

Then until it is mended, you are living on borrowed time.

[Diego nods.  Victoria and Felipe run over to help Diego up as Thackery walks away.  Victoria bends down to collect Diego's sword as Diego winks at Felipe.  Then Victoria and Felipe help Diego inside the tavern.]

[Thackery picks up his coat.]

While I am here, I will need a personal valet.

[He walks in front of several men, looking them over.  He stops in front of Ramón, who is staring off into the distance.]

Thackery [pointing at Ramón]

Ramón [sneeringly]
The Ramóns never serve.

Oh, you'll serve or I'll hang you by your heels and use you as a piñata. [He tosses his jacket at Ramón.] Clean and press this at once.

[Thackery then turns to look at Mendoza.]

Sergeant, fetch me my horse.  I'm going riding.

[Mendoza looks anxious as he walks across the plaza, followed by Gomez.  Ramón glares at the jacket then at Thackery.]

[In the tavern, Victoria is at Diego's feet, bandaging his ankle as Felipe look on.  Ramón walks into the room.]

Señorita Escalante, do you know how to press a jacket?

Victoria [looking up at him]
Of course I do.

Ramón [holding out Thackery's jacket to her]
Oh.  Excellent.

Victoria [flicking her eyes toward the kitchen]
The iron is in the back room.

Ramón [looking dismayed that she won't do it for him]

Victoria [smiling up at Diego]
Zorro would have been very proud of you today, Don Diego.

[Ramón starts to walk away but stops.  Diego smiles abashedly at her remark.]

Zorro!  That's it!

Diego [looking over at Ramón]
What about Zorro?

He can put this Englishman in his place.

Victoria [also looking at Ramón]
What makes you think Zorro wants to rescue you from your valet service?

Oh, it's not just for me, Señorita.  It's. . .  It's for all of us.  This Thackery is the scourge of the entire pueblo.

Diego [looking at Ramón speculatively]
What did you have in mind?

A truce.

Victoria [hopefully]
For Zorro?

Desperate time call for desperate measure.  I. . . I must talk to him.  Yes.

[He dashes out of the tavern.]

[Exterior shot of Ramón's office at night]

[Inside, Ramón is holding a book entitled "Advanced Fencing.'  He opens it up and tries to imitate the illustrations inside.  He stops and looks up when he hears a tapping sound.  Closing the book and putting it down, he goes over to the door and opens it.  A dagger flies past his head and sticks into the door.  Ramón jumps back in surprise.  He then pulls the dagger from the door and sees a piece of paper wrapped around its blade.  He slides it off the dagger and unrolls it.]

Ramón [reading from the note]
Stables.  Midnight.  Zorro.

[He then peers out the door.]

[Exterior shot of the stables at night.  A horse is whinnying.]

[Ramón wanders around the stable, obviously looking for Zorro.  He turns to leave as Zorro comes up behind him.]

Buenas noches, Alcalde.

[Ramón spins around and faces Zorro.]

Ramón [holding up the dagger]
Must you deliver your message in quite such a theatrical fashion?

[Zorro plucks the dagger from Ramón's hand.]

Well, I'm here.  You have a proposition?

Yes.  Teach me how to kill the Englishman.

For a man like Miles Thackery, there is a fate worse than death.  Being bested by another swordsman.

Do you honestly think someone can take Thackery?

It will take a steady arm and a cool head.  But he can be defeated.

Yes, indeed.  Your head, my arm.  Teach me how to defeat Thackery and I will grant you a full and absolute pardon.

I believe we have a bargain.

[The sun is coming up the next morning as Zorro and Ramón practice in a field.]

Zorro [as they fence]
Thackery is excessively fond of a compound riposte. [He pauses as does Ramón.] A compound riposte, please.

[Ramón does a compound riposte which Zorro parries.]

Zorro [pausing again]
However, the more complicated a compound riposte becomes, the susceptible it is to a remise. . .

[He does a remise that Ramón barely defends.  Zorro beckons Ramón toward him.  Ramón does another compound riposte which ends up with Zorro's sword at his throat.]

. . or a redoublement.

[Ramón throws down his sword in disgust.]

Remember, Alcalde, a swordsman greatest allies are time and patience.  Keep calm.

[Zorro pats Ramón patronizingly on the shoulder, then turns around.]

Zorro [smiling mischievously]

[Ramón bends down to pick up his sword.  Then the two men continue with the lessons.]

[Exterior shot of the de la Vega hacienda]

[Inside, Felipe is sweeping in the library.  He stops as he notices the letter from Delourgefoucar on the table.  Sweeping up to the room's entrance, Felipe looks both ways.  Then he sweeps backward to the table and picks up the letter.  He takes it out of the envelope and starts to read it.  He obviously read something interesting as his eyes grow big and then he shoves the letter back into its envelope.]

[Zorro and Ramón are riding their horses up to the outskirts of the pueblo.]

Zorro [as they come to a stop]
Draw him out into the plaza.  I'll be on the tavern roof.  Remember, a cool head.

[Ramón nods then rides forward.  Zorro rides off to his right.]

[In the tavern, Victoria is serving breakfast to Thackery.  He grabs her wrist but lets go as the tavern door opens and Ramón walks in.]

Thackery [to Ramón]
Where have you been, you lazy oaf?  Pour me some more wine.

[Ramón comes up to Thackery's table and picks up the pitcher of wine, looks at it, then pour it onto Thackery's right shoulder.]

[Mendoza, who is sitting at another table with Gomez, looks away.]

Thackery [getting to his feet]
I'm going to cut you into a thousand pieces.

[He draws out his sword.]

Ramón [drawing out his sword as well and gesturing toward the door]
Let's go outside.

Thackery [as Ramón turns to leave]
No, we'll settle it here.

Not here!

Ramón [turning back around to face Thackery]
Are you sure you don't want to step outside?

[He lunges at Ramón, who spins out of the way.]

Defend yourself.

[He lunges at Ramón again and they begin to duel.]

[Zorro waits on the tavern roof.]

Zorro [shaking his head]
The Alcalde can't follow the simplest of instructions.

[Inside the tavern, Thackery and Ramón are still fighting.  Thackery is driving Ramón backward across the room.]

[Outside the tavern, Zorro now stands hiding behind the building.  He gets a puzzled look on his face as Felipe runs up to him, hands him Delourgefoucar's letter, then runs off.  Zorro watches him leave then opens the envelope.]

[Felipe comes through the kitchen curtains into the main room and watches the sword fight between Thackery and Ramón.]

You've been taking lesson. [He drives Ramón backward again.] But not enough.

[Ramón launches an attack which Thackery defends and the duel continues.]

[Don Alejandro pulls Felipe over to where he and Victoria are standing near the bar.]

[Zorro watches the fight from the balcony.]

Stay calm, Alcalde.  Stay calm.

[Ramón lunges at Thackery and his sword is knocked from his hand.  He grabs his right wrist and backs away as Thackery threatens him with his sword.]

Before you die, tell me something.  Who's been giving you lessons?

Zorro [hanging down from the chandelier and into Thackery's face]
I have!

[He punches Thackery in the face then somersaults down onto the floor.]

Thackery [holding his chin]
Who the blazes are you?

Zorro [with his sword draw]
Zorro.  A humble student of the duke de Montenier.

Thackery [shocked]
You've studied with Montenier?

Oh, indeed.  The only man to beat you in competition and I believe the reason why you're here.  To hide your shame and to vent your wrath on men of lesser ability.

[Thackery kicks a stool toward Zorro who lifts his foot as it passes under it.  Thackery then lunges forward and Zorro easily parries.  They duel for several minutes before Thackery lunges again at Zorro.  Zorro moves out of the way, causing Thackery to stumble.]

Zorro [to Ramón though his eyes never leave Thackery]
You see, Alcalde, how vital it is to perceive the cadence of your opponent's sequence.  Only then can you truly anticipate his next move.

[Zorro points to his right, which is where Thackery thrusts.  Zorro then point up and Thackery thrusts upward.  Zorro points to the right again and Thackery follows with his sword.  Zorro points upward again and Thackery thrusts in the same direction, leaving himself open.  Zorro punches Thackery in the face, sending him flying backward.]

Zorro [to Ramón again as Thackery lands face down into a plate of food]
However, the real secret as I told you is to remain calm yourself and anger your opponent.

[Ramón nods as Thackery wipes the food from his face.  Thackery then throws a plate at Zorro, who pushes Ramón out of the way and ducks out of the way himself.  Thackery comes at him, holding his sword with both hands.  Zorro easily parries Thackery's blows as he shifts his sword from hand to hand.]

Zorro [smiling over at Victoria]
Señorita, you look supremely radiant, as always.

[Victoria smiles back at him, well, radiantly.]

Thackery [as he and Zorro continue to duel]
Manzini's [close caption says Montenier but the actor actually says Manzini] attacks were always so superb, his defense was never really rest to the limit.

True.  His one weakness was his response after a passata soto.

Just so.  Eyah!

[Thackery launches a passata soto, waving his sword at Zorro's head.  Zorro ducks down, sticks out his foot and trips Thackery, who falls flat on his face on the floor.]

Thackery [as he lands]

Zorro [standing over the prone Thackery]
Did I mention I added a few touches of my own?

[He slashes a ‘Z' into the back of Thackery's vest then steps over him.]

You have five minutes to leave Los Angeles, Señor.

[Thackery gets to his feet and starts to walks away.  Zorro hits him on the behind with his sword.  Ramón follows Thackery smugly and picks up Thackery's hat off a table, then throws it at him.  Ramón claps his hands together then turns around to face Zorro.]

So. . .Zorro studied under the great Montenier.

Sorry to disappoint you, Alcalde, but playing the detective will get you nowhere.

Ramón [pointing his finger in Zorro's face]
Then how did you know about. . .

[Zorro moves Ramón's finger downward.]

Ah.  A letter recently arrived in the pueblo, full of gossip.  But it did contain one interesting piece of information.  That Thackery was trounced by Montenier in a fencing tournament in Paris.

Ramón [aghast]
Then you read other people's mail?

It's something I would normally frown upon. . . [He glances over at Felipe who hangs his head guiltily.]. . . but under the circumstances, I think I should be forgiven, don't you?

[Ramón makes a rude noise as he turns away.  He nods his head then turns back around but Zorro has disappeared.]


[People jeer as Thackery rides out of the pueblo.  Zorro and Victoria come together through the crowd.]

Señor Zorro, do you remember your promise?

Promise?  I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage, Señorita.

You said the day that you were free would be the day you would remove your mask forever.

Ah.  It would also be the day I would declare my love.

That's true.  Well. . .  You have been pardoned.

Unfortunately, I think the Alcalde had chosen not to honor our agreement.

Ramón [stepping up to them]
Indeed.  You didn't let me defeat the Englishman, therefore, you broke our contract.

Don Alejandro [standing behind Ramón with Felipe]
Zorro saved your life, sir.


Don Alejandro
Thackery had a blade to your throat, I believe.

An essential and shrewd part of my plan.  I was merely toying with the individual.

[Victoria and Don Alejandro act disgusted by Ramón's ingratitude.]

Remember, Alcalde, the secret is to make your opponent angry.

I don't see what that has to do with it.

[Zorro punches Ramón in the face, knocking him backward.  Don Alejandro and Felipe catch him before he hits the ground.  Victoria looks exasperated.  Zorro spins around and brings Victoria's right hand to his lips.  Then he runs off, whistling for Toronado.  He jumps onto the horse's back as Toronado whinnies.]

Please be patient, Señorita.

[He rides away as the people all cheer.]

Zorro!  Zorro!  Bye, Zorro!

[Ramón shakes off Don Alejandro and Felipe and stands up on his own.]

Ramón [with clenched fists at his sides]

Mendoza [from across the crowd]
Si, mi Alcalde.

[He goes over toward Ramón and is followed by Gomez]

Lancers, follow!

[He stops and turns around and Gomez runs into him, dust off Mendoza's jacket, salutes, and then runs off toward the cuartel.]

Now everything is back to normal.  As it should be.

[Two lancers ride after Zorro, passing through the pueblo gate.  Zorro emerges from behind the church.  Toronado rears up as the people cheer.]

*****END OF EPISODE*****

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland  29 & 31 August 2006

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.