"A New Lease on Love"

Written by Philip John Taylor
Directed by Ray Austin

First US Airdate 15 September 1991 Episode 3.3

[Exterior shot of people going into the pueblo church.]

[Interior shot of the church.  A couple is kneeling before Padre Benitez and obviously getting married.]

Padre Benitez
May the Lord fill you both with his blessings.  And what God hath joined, men must not divide.  Pedro. . .  Benita. . .

[He chuckles a little as the couple get to their feet.]

Voice [whispering]
Isn't this wonderful?

[An older woman sitting behind Victoria and Diego leans forward and whispers to Victoria as the newlyweds kiss.]

It's time you got married.

[Diego and Victoria look at each other in shock.]

Oh not to each other, of course.  That would be ridiculous.

[Diego looks offended while Victoria eyes him suspiciously.]

You, Diego, you're a lost cause.  You haven't got a romantic bone in your body.  But you, Victoria, you should find a good husband and have little ones.

[The woman sits back in her pew as the newlyweds walk past on their way out of the church.  Don Alejandro taps Diego's shoulder and Diego stands up and starts to leave with him.]

Woman [to Victoria who remains seated]
Let's face it, Victoria.  Zorro's not the marrying kind.  Champions of liberty have never been good providers.  The pay is dreadful.

[Diego keeps looking worriedly over his shoulder at Victoria as he walks out of the church.]

I don't need any man's money, Doña Maria.

Doña Maria
Of course you don't.  You're a property owner, a business woman.  In short, an excellent catch.  Let me find you a husband before it's too late, Victoria.

Victoria [a bit indignantly]
Thank you, Señora.  I will think about it.

Doña Maria
Good.  I'll see you at the reception party.

[She gets up and leaves.  Victoria stays seated in the pew as Padre Benitez walks in front of the altar.]

Padre Benitez [walking over to where she is sitting]
Victoria child, you seem troubled.

I need your counsel, Padre.  There is no one else I can turn to.  It has to do with a problem of the heart.

Padre Benitez [sitting down in the pew in front of hers]
How can I help?

I am basically without family and I so much want to have a family of my own.

Padre Benitez
To have a family requires a husband.  But you still wait for Zorro.

He made a vow to me that someday when his crusade against tyranny and oppression has been won, we would marry an begin a life together.  I love him so much.  But this world is so full of evil, his fight never ends.  It's as though he is trapped by his own goodness.

Padre Benitez
Zorro, in some ways is like a priest.  He is compelled with a higher calling.  Such men, sad to say, do not have time to be good husbands. [He pats Victoria's hand.] Oh I know, it hurts to behold the truth.  Victoria child, your heart is so full of love.  You must find someone to share it with.

Victoria [her eyes wet with tears]
Yes, I must.


[Exterior shot of the plaza as Mendoza and de Soto walk toward some lancers and other men who are digging and laying bricks in front of the cuartel.]

. . . tell me some day.

de Soto [putting up his hand]
Sergeant, please.  Spare me your observations on your personal life.  They are about as interesting to me as watching suet melt in a frying pan. [He glances over at the workers.] When will this base be finished?

In a few days.

de Soto
Good.  Because the uh. . . [He chuckles evilly.] statue is in San Pedro and will be here by the end of the week.

Excuse me, Alcalde, I don't understand, but why do you laugh every time you talk about he statue of King Ferdinand?

de Soto
Because this statue will bring me Zorro, in tiny little pieces.

[He walks off, laughing evilly, while Mendoza stares after him for a second, a confused look on his face, before he follows.]

Mendoza [off camera as men work in the plaza]
It is a statue.

[He is inside the tavern, sitting at a table with Diego and Don Alejandro, and eating.]

It's a statue of King Ferdinand.  But there's one thing I don't understand.

Don Alejandro
What's that, Sergeant?

Mendoza [turning to Diego who is sitting at his left]
Don Diego, you are an artist in a way.  How can a statue of King Ferdinand bring about Zorro's downfall?

[Diego shrugs but looks worried.  Suddenly someone starts strumming a guitar.]

Man with Guitar [singing as he follows Victoria around the tavern]
Qué linda, qué linda, qué linda, qué linda, qué linda. . .  (translation: How beautiful or how pretty)

[Diego turns around and smiles at Victoria's exasperated expression.  The man is joined by Doña Maria and continue to follow Victoria around as she works.]

Man with Guitar
(something I didn't catch) mi corazon. . .

[Victoria goes over to the bar and picks up a pitcher then turns.  The man steps in her way but she moves past him and goes to fill glasses at a table.]

Man with Guitar [following after her]
Ay, ay, ay, ay, qué linda.

[He stops singing.  People clap.  Doña Maria comes up beside him.]

Doña Maria
Victoria, my dear, I know we should have warned you we were coming.  Señorita Escalante, I have the pleasure of presenting Don Pablo Pepito Punson, a humble suitor.

[Don Pablo starts singing again.  Diego and Don Alejandro start laughing.  Victoria tries to go back over to the bar but Don Pablo steps in her way again.  When she tries to move around him, he steps back into her path.  Diego, Don Alejandro, and Mendoza all smile and laugh.]

Don Pablo
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, (something I didn't catch) mi corazon.

Victoria [before he gets in her way again]
If you don't stop singing in my ear, Señor, I feel your guitar will soon be firewood.

[Don Pablo stops singing and almost drops his guitar.  Victoria finally walks past him.]

Don Pablo [whispering to Doña Maria]
I don't think she liked it.

Doña Maria
Victoria, Don Pablo is very shy. . .and very rich.  He wonders if you would honor him with your presence at his sumptuous hacienda.  He is aflame with desire.

[Don Pablo nods.]

Well, I am very flattered, but I cannot leave the tavern unattended.

Doña Maria
But don't you have a night off?

As a matter of fact, I do.  I have one planned in about. . .um. . .three months.  Perhaps you should come back then.  Now if you will please excuse me. . .

[She picks up another pitcher from the bar and walks off into the kitchen.]

She certainly told him.

[Doña Maria leads Don Pablo out of the tavern.]

Don Alejandro [smiling]
Well, well, a very interesting turn of events.

But I thought she was in love with Zorro.

Diego [looking very concerned]
Didn't we all?

[Exterior shot of Diego and Don Alejandro riding across the countryside.]

Don Alejandro
Diego, you haven't uttered a single word since we've been riding from town.

Just a little concerned about Victoria.  This decision to marry seems rather sudden.

[They arrived at the hacienda gate and ride through it.]

Don Alejandro [as Diego dismounts]
Well, it's been my experience that the only predictable thing about women. . . [He dismounts.}. . .is that they will be totally unpredictable.  Besides, Victoria Escalante can make up her own decisions, you'll see.

[Felipe comes up to them and takes their horses's reins.]

Don Alejandro
Ah, Felipe.  How was San Pedro?  Good?  Did you get my shirt from Madrid?

[Felipe nods and points to his right.]

Don Alejandro
Thank you.

[He leaves Diego and Felipe with the horses.  Felipe turns and grabs Diego's arm, then touches his hands to his chest, then jerks his thumb over his left shoulder.]

Diego [interpreting]
When you were in San Pedro. . .

[Felipe points to his eyes then clicks his heels together, then crooks his index finger on his left hand.]

You saw the Alcalde's men. . .

[Felipe circles his left hand, indicating something big.]

Guarding a large crate.

[Felipe holds out his unturned palm to Diego.]

It must be the statue of King Ferdinand.

[Felipe crooks his left index finger again then makes the circling gesture again.]

You're right!  Why would armed lancers be guarding a statue?

[Exterior shot of the tavern as several people walk in front of it.]

[Diego walks inside the tavern, nearly bumping into Doña Maria and a man.  The man keeps walking out of the tavern, but Doña Maria stops.]

Doña Maria
The woman's impossible!

[She then stomps out.  Diego looks toward Victoria then back in Doña Maria's direction before walking up to Victoria who is clearing off a table.]

Another disheartened suitor?  He looked very handsome.  Very suitable.

Victoria [a bit angrily as she wipes the table]
And very conceited.  The man never stopped talking about himself.

Your standards certainly are of the highest order.  Victoria, there is something I must talk to you about.

Now, Diego?  It's almost noon and I have lunch to prepare.

[She walks off, leaving Diego to stare after her worriedly.  He turns and goes over to greet a group of men at another table.  A man in a naval uniform enters the tavern.  He pushes aside the kitchen curtains where Victoria is chopping vegetables.]

Man in Uniform

Victoria [looking up and smiling]

I wanted you to know, I'm going to be promoted to captain.

Victoria [as she goes back to chopping veggies]
Well, that's wonderful.  Congratulations.

I shall be at the Admiral's office in Monterey.  No more sailing.  I'd like you to come with me. . .as my wife.

[Victoria looks up at him in surprise.]

Juan [coming closer to her]
Please.  Don't say anything just yet.  Victoria, we've known each other all our lives.

Yes, that's true.  We were childhood sweethearts.  But we are no longer children.

No, but I never stopped loving you.  I never will.  You were in my heart all those years I was away at sea.

I. . .I. . . I don't know what to say.

I will be by your side every day.  My prospects are excellent.  I will do everything in my power to make you happy.

[Victoria smiles tightly as she obviously thinks about his proposal.]

[Exterior shot at night.  About seven lancers are guarding a large wooden crate sitting on a wagon.  Zorro crawls underneath their horses.]

Lancer #1
I'd like to have a statue made of me someday

Lancer #2
For being lazy?

Lancer #3
. . .doing it like a statue.

Lancer #4
My wife feels like a statue.

[The lancers all chuckle.]

Lancer #5
If she ate your cooking, you'd would be a statue too.

[Zorro reaches the end of the line of horses and stands up.  The he walks stealthily over to the wagon.  He takes a step and suddenly disappears from sight.  He has fallen into a pit and is immediately surrounded by lancers who are all pointing their muskets at him and laughing.]

We got him!  Zorro's ours!  We got you, Zorro!  Hah!

[Zorro looks up at them and smiles.]


[Zorro is still in the pit with the lancers still aiming their muskets at him.]

Buenos noches, amigos.  I refer you to the book of Proverbs; "Who shall ever diggeth a pit, shall fall into it."

[Zorro spins his whip up over his head.  The lancers all jump back except one.  The whip coils around his ankles and he is jerked into the pit.  The whip cracks again and again, knocking lancers to the ground or into the pit.  Zorro pulls the lancers on the ground into the pit before climbing out of it himself.  He climbs over the top of the crate and onto Toronado's back.]

Those lancers are far too unfriendly.

[He rides away as the lancers scramble to their feet.  They start shooting at him but he is too far away.  Zorro rides across the countryside in front of the full moon which is riding low on the horizon.  He rides past the pueblo where Victoria and Juan are standing outside in the moonlight.]

Juan [looking in Zorro's direction then turning back to Victoria]
Probably just some traveler trying to get home before the moon goes down.

[He stares at Victoria who then flashes back to a scene from "Broken Heart, Broken Mask".]

I've been thinking.  You should have a husband.

[He strokes his thumb against her cheek.]

I thought we shared certain feelings.

We do.  More than you'll ever know.

[Victoria smiles as she returns to the present and looks up at Juan.]

I've been thinking all day about your proposal and I feel if we go far away from here, to Monterey like you say, then perhaps I could forget about Zorro.  I know it won't be easy but I will try.  And you are a good man, I think I could grow to love you.

Juan [smiling excitedly]
Are you saying yes?

I must be.  Isn't this crazy?  Yes, Juan, yes.

Juan [laughing then picking her up and spinning her around]
You have made me the happiest man in California.  In the Spanish Empire.  In the world.  Let's get married tonight.

Tonight?  Now who's crazy?

But I leave for Monterey in two days.

Then it will have to be tomorrow.  But there are so many arrangements to make. . .  And the tavern.  What am I to do with the tavern?

Put it up for sale.

[Victoria looks a bit upset by his answer.  Juan steps closer to her and kisses her on the lips then steps back.]

I love you.

Victoria [with a sad expression belying her words]
Then I must be the luckiest woman in the world.

[Interior shot of a door.  It opens and Mendoza walks through it.]

Mendoza [turning and taking off his hat]
Alcalde.  Alcalde, a dispatch rider just arrived with news.

[De Soto is sitting at his desk in his office.]

Zorro attacked the column guarding King Ferdinand's statue last night.

de Soto [turning to look at Mendoza]
Aha!  I knew he would.  He fell into the pit?

Si, Alcalde.

de Soto
Ah.  Then we have him.

Then he got out of the pit.

[De Soto slams his hand on his deck then sighs.]

de Soto
Did he look inside the crate?

No, Alcalde.

de Soto
Well, then it makes no matter.  Zorro will not be a thorn in my side for much longer.  Did the rider say when the statue would get to the plaza?

This afternoon.

de Soto
Hmm.  Then I know the perfect time to unveil it.  I'll wager anything that Zorro will make an appearance at Señorita Escalante's wedding.

Mendoza [with a big smile]
Si, mi Alcalde.  Love makes people do very strange things.

de Soto [after rolling his eyes]
Sergeant.  Post a lancer at the church.  You ride out to the column.  Make sure that crate gets to this plaza no later than. . .  When did you say the wedding was?


de Soto
No later than three o'clock.

But I'll miss the ceremony.

de Soto
Not if you hurry.

[Mendoza spins around and starts toward the door but turns back and salutes.  De Soto waves him off.  Mendoza scurries out of the door.  De Soto chuckles evilly.]

[Exterior shot of the de la Vega hacienda.]

[Inside Don Alejandro walks around with an envelope in his hand.]

Don Alejandro
Diego!  La, da, da, da. . .

[Inside the secret cave, Diego turns away from the viewing hole.]

Diego [to Felipe who is also in the cave]
Tell my father I had to ride to the bank in Santa Paula. [He takes off his jacket.] I have to see what's in that well-protected box before it reaches Los Angeles.  Go!

[Felipe rushes over to the viewing hole then goes out of the cave.]

[Don Alejandro walks toward the library where he encounters Felipe coming out of the room.]

Don Alejandro [holding out the envelope]
Ah, Felipe.  Listen.  I want you to find Diego and you tell him to drop whatever he's doing.  We're going to a wedding. [He points at the invitation.] Victoria Escalante is marrying Lieutenant Juan Ortiz this afternoon.

[He hands the invitation to Felipe, then walks away.  Felipe reads it with a worried expression.]

[Zorro rides across the countryside until he catches up with the lancers and the wagon carrying the crate.]

Lancer [I think Corporal Sepulveda, who looks over his shoulder]
Zorro! [He points at the other lancers.] You three, stay with the wagon.  You three, follow me.

[He and three of the lancers ride after Zorro who leads them away from the wagon.  Zorro then circles back unnoticed through some bushes.  He rides back to the wagon.  Spinning his whip up above his head, it wraps itself around the throat of the lancer in the driver's seat of the wagon.  He is pulled to the ground.  Zorro wields the whip again and hits the hand of another lancer who is holding a musket.  Then Zorro kicks him, knocking him off the wagon.  Zorro kicks a third lancer in the gut and the lancer falls backward.  Zorro rides Toronado up closer to the crate.  Mendoza rides up to the wagon.]

Mendoza [as Zorro dismounts]
I don't have time to disarm you now, Zorro.  But consider yourself under arrest.

[Mendoza then dismounts.]

Señorita Escalante is getting married today.  I don't want to be late.

Zorro [stunned]
What did you say?

[One of the lancers recovers and gets up, drawing his sword.  Zorro knocks him back out with one punch.  Mendoza tries to unsheathe his sword but Zorro waves him off.]

Don't even bother, Sergeant.  Is this true?  Victoria is getting married?

Si.  Today at three o'clock.

Who's the groom?

Lieutenant Ortiz.

Zorro [nodding]
Juan is a good man. [He looks over to his right.] Toronado.  We must act quickly.

[Toronado rears up and kicks out some of the boards of the crate.

Zorro [patting Toronado's neck]
Good boy.

[Mendoza pulls off a loose board and looks inside the crate where a cannon and some cannonballs rest.]

A cannon?  What's the big secret?  Why would the Alcalde lie to me?

Zorro [reaching in and picking up one of the cannonballs]
Because, Sergeant, this is no ordinary cannon.

[He hands the cannonball to Mendoza.]

Let's have a look.

[He climbs up onto the wagon as Mendoza looks confused.]

[Exterior shot of the church as organ music plays.]

[Inside the church, Doña Maria smiles smugly as she and other people turn and look as Don Alejandro and Victoria start to walk up the aisle.  Victoria is wearing a white dress and mantilla.]

Voices [whispering]
She looks beautiful.  I can't believe it.  She's so gorgeous.  He looks so proud.

[Don Alejandro smiles proudly as he leads Victoria toward the altar and Juan.]

[Zorro rides Toronado as Mendoza drives the wagon toward the pueblo.]

[Inside the church, Don Alejandro brings Victoria up to stand next to Juan.  He then moves behind Victoria and to her left as Padre Benitez moves in front of Victoria and Juan.]

Padre Benitez
Victoria, Juan.  Join hands.

[Juan takes Victoria's hand.]

Padre Benitez
Declare you consent before God and his church.]

[He turns to Juan.]

Padre Benitez
Juan, do you promise to be true to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love and to honor her all the days of your life?

I do.

Padre Benitez [turning to Victoria]
Victoria, will you take Juan to be your husband?  Do you promise to be true to him. . .

[Zorro sneaks into the back of the church.]

Padre Benitez
. . .in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. . .

[Zorro watches with a grim expression.]

Padre Benitez
. . .to love and to honor him all the days of your life?

[Victoria looks over at Juan and then back at Padre Benitez.]

I'm sorry.  I. . .I can't.

[She looks back over at Juan as people gasp.]

I'm sorry, Juan.  I love Zorro so much.  I couldn't. . .

[Zorro runs into the aisle behind her.]


[She (and everyone else) turns around to stare at him.]


[She runs down the aisle and into his arms.  Mendoza comes up behind Zorro as Juan stares at them, an upset expression on his face.  He draws out his sword.  Zorro and Victoria turn to look at him at the sound of the sword leaving its scabbard.]

Señor, I must ask you not to take this too personally.

I don't.  But I'm a officer in His Majesty's Navy.  You're under arrest.  Step outside.

If you insist.

Juan, please don't do this!

He's got to do this.

[Juan steps forward, his sword aimed at Zorro, who turns and starts walking out of the church.  They are followed by everyone else.]

[Exterior shot of the church as Zorro, Juan, Mendoza, and the others step outside into the plaza.]

Juan [holding his sword at Zorro's chest]
Now, Zorro, kindly hand over your sword.

Zorro [a bit sarcastically]
Excuse me, Lieutenant, but don't you think your request is somewhat superfluous?

What is that?

[A line of lancers cock their muskets as de Soto stands behind the cannon which is now mounted on its base and aimed at the church.]

de Soto [holding a lit punk]
Prepare to die, Zorro!

Be reasonable, Alcalde.  You could kill every citizen within fifty meters with that diabolical device.

[Mendoza runs over toward de Soto.]

de Soto
Ah, then you've heard of Sir Henry Shrapnel's magnificent invention.

Each cannonball contains hundreds of lead pellets.  They cause devastation over a vast area.

Mendoza [trying to get de Soto's attention]

de Soto [looking down at Mendoza]
Be quiet, Sergeant! [He turns his attention back to Zorro.] This is one piece of artillery you will not evade and you cannot outrun.  And after I have blasted you out of existence, I will leave it here, mounted in the middle of the plaza as a reminder to the good people of Los Angeles of what can befall them if they try to cross me.

Let's get out of here!

[People start to scatter.  Victoria tears herself away from Don Alejandro's grasp and goes over to Zorro.]

Victoria [as Zorro puts his arms around her and holds her hand]
Then you will have to kill both of us.

Zorro [to Don Alejandro and Juan who are standing to his left]
You're in no danger, amigos.  Step aside please.

[Don Alejandro nods and leads Juan off to their left.]

Mendoza [scrunching up his face]

Zorro [quietly to Victoria]
We should be going too.

Mendoza [as he tries to run toward Zorro and Victoria]

de Soto
Get out of the way, Sergeant!  I know what I'm doing! [to Zorro and Victoria] If you think the señorita presence will dissuade me, then think again.  She has chosen her own fate.

Alcalde, don't do it!

[He starts to run toward Zorro and Victoria again.]

de Soto
Come back here, Sergeant.  There's no danger if you're standing here.

[He lights the cannon's very short fuse, then blows a mocking kiss at Zorro and Victoria.]

Mendoza [scrunching up his face again]

[The cannon explodes and falls off its mount.  De Soto falls backward off its base.  Clouds of smoke obscure everyone's vision.  When the smoke clears, Zorro and Victoria have disappeared.]

Mendoza [helping de Soto to his feet]
I was trying to warn you, Alcalde.  Zorro tinkered with the cannon.

de Soto [inspecting the damage]
Ah!  He took the cannonballs!

Mendoza [off camera as Zorro lights a fuse attached to a wagon]
Well, he promised to destroy them.

de Soto
And you believed it? [He thumps his chest.] He'll use them against us!

[The wagon explodes behind the church.]

He usually tells the truth.

[Debris from the wagon blast starts to fall on de Soto, Mendoza, and the other lancers, driving them to the ground.]


[Zorro sits on Toronado's back with Victoria on his lap as they look down at the destroyed wagon bits.]

Zorro [turning his attention to Victoria]
I almost sacrificed our love for my obsession with justice.

Your duty is to the pueblo and that must come first.  By waiting for you, I feel like I am helping your cause.

I shall try to be worthy of such devotion.  Losing you would devastate me more than any weapon the Alcalde could devise.

[They kiss.]

[Exterior shot of the tavern as people wander around in front of it.]

[Inside, Victoria is clearing dishes from a table as Juan walks up to her.]

Victoria [looking up at him]

I'm leaving for Monterey.  I came to say goodbye.

Can you ever forgive me?

If you and I had been married, it would have been a very sensible, a very caring relationship.  But after a few years, I think we would have both been very unhappy.  I am going to wait until I meet a woman who has the same burning passion for me as you have for Zorro.  How I envy him.

[Victoria steps around the table and kisses him on the cheek.]

Vaya con Dios, hmm.

[He turns and leaves.  Victoria turns back to the tray of dirty dishes on the table.  Diego comes out of a doorway, carrying a basket.]

Here's the wine you asked for.

[He brings it over to her.]

I understand I missed quite a bit of excitement today.

Victoria [smiling]
Well, it has been a very eventful day. [She looks up at him with a serious expression.] Diego, what was it you were going to ask me yesterday?  I'm afraid I was so busy, I completely ignored you.

Oh, it was nothing.  It seemed important at the time.  But, uh, today's a new day, isn't it?

Victoria [nodding]
Yes.  Yes, it is.

[She carries the tray toward the kitchen as Diego stares after her longingly.]

*****END OF EPISODE*****

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland  10 & 11 November 2006

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.