
All transcripts written by Lexie

Spot Goes on a Trip

  Spot ‘s owner planned a trip to Spokane. Spot jumped.
Then they got in their truck and put the camper on the
  truck's bed. Then they drove to Spokane and they went
  to sleep.

Owner: Good night Spot.

Spot: Arf! Aarf!

Owner: Shhhhhh!

Then the owner went to a butterfly catching compation.

Spot:  I  hope we could watch movies, play games, tell stories, roast hotdogs, hike, and other fun stuff!

Then Spot and his owner watched movies then told stories then played games then hiked and the
other fun stuff.   They had a great day

The End

   Spot Meets Charlie

When Spot's owner took Spot to the park, Spot's owner was playing hide and seek with Spot.  Then Spot hid behind a tree and an acorn hit him on the head.  He looked up and saw a squirrel.

"Hi," said the squirrel.  "My name is Charlie."

"Why did you drop an acorn down on my head?" asked Spot.

"I was trying to eat it but it dropped down," said Charlie.  "I'm sorry."

"That's okay," said Spot.

"Ready or not, here I come," said Spot's owner.

"Meet me tomorrow," said Charlie.

"Bye," said Spot.  Then he went back to playing hide and seek.

"There you are," said Spot's owner.

Then Spot's owner put him in the pet carrier and put him in the car and drove back home.

"Good night," said Spot's owner.

"Good night," said Spot.

Then it was morning.  The roosters crowed.  Then Spot ran to the park.  He didn't see Charlie.

"Charlie!" yelled Spot.

Then Charlie came out of his hole in the tree.  "Hello," he said.  "Want to play tag?"

"Tag! You're it!" said Spot.

The End

The Bark Street Dogs
left to right: Sara, Angel, Max, Waldo & Claire
in front: Spot

Spot & the Bark Street Dogs

One day Spot was walking down Bark Street.  He was eating a sausage.  Suddenly he saw this hairy but beautiful dog.

Spot followed that dog but somehow she kept going.  And then he suddenly saw a little Dalmatian.  And then he saw several other dogs.  One was a Chihuahua.  One was a poodle.  There was a curly haired dog but not that hairy.

The Chihuahua said, "Aye, aye, aye.  I smell sausage."

Spot put the sausage down and said, "I'll share."  He got the sausage from the butcher shop.  His owner bought it for him.

The other dogs came forward and they all took some of the sausage.  Spot took some too.

The little Dalmatian said, "Thanks for sharing your sausage.  My  name is Waldo."

Then the curly haired dog said, "My name is Claire."

The beautiful hairy dog with the rose in her hair said, "My name is Angel."

"My name is Max," the Chihuahua said.

The poodle said, "My name is Sara.  And we are the Bark Street Dogs."

"Cool," said Spot.  "Can I be a Bark Street Dog?"

"Sure," said Claire.  "But first there is a test to pass."

"What is the test?" asked Spot.

"First you have to be good at your dog knowledge," said Max.

Sara said, "And you must be very good at dance moves."

"And the last part of the test you have to see how much you can run," said Waldo.

"I think I can do that," Spot said in a puzzled way.  He wasn't sure he could do it.

His first question was, "What is the difference between a wild dog and a domesticated dog?"

"A wild dog is a dog who is in places like Alaska and Africa.  And some might be in Australia," said Spot.  "And domesticated dogs live in a house with people.  And they get trained to behave."

Then Claire said, "Correct."

After some more questions, Max said, "Now it's time to dance."  All the dogs started dancing.  Spot showed off his cool dance moves.

"Now it's time to test your speed,"said Waldo.  They started running to the place where they marked an 'X' with their paws where they had dug a bone.  Spot was against Waldo because Waldo was the fastest runner.

Spot beat Waldo to the bone.  "That's okay," said Waldo.  "I already have my collection of bones."

"You're now a Bark Street Dog," Claire said to Spot.

Spot did a back flip.  Then Spot was doing all kinds of fun tricks.

"He's loco, isn't he?" asked Max.

Then Spot stopped doing tricks.  Then Spot asked Claire, "What are we doing to do next?"

She said, "Well, we go to the park.  That's what we usually do on Sundays."

"Yay, let's go to the park!" said Angel, Sara, Max, and Waldo.  Then Max said, "We better go, amigos."

So they went to the park and had a fun day.

The End


Page Last Updated 28 September 2008

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